Cape Times

Mazibuko frank on politics at press club

- Francesca Villette

POLITICS is not the Game of Thrones, and people should not be cast like characters of the series.

So said former DA MP Lindiwe Mazibuko who delivered the Barry Streek Memorial Lecture at the Cape Town Press Club last night.

Mazibuko said the new generation has what it takes to lead and revive democracy.

Mazibuko recently launched a new initiative, Apolitical Academy, to train and mentor young people.

This, after she left the DA in 2014 to further her studies at Harvard where she obtained a Master’s degree in public administra­tion.

Mazibuko said young people did not lack energy.

“Be it social activists for gender equality, education, and student leaders, by engaging and training people to participat­e in public life, we can revive trust and revive democracy.

“This must happen in tandem with teaching the dangers that come with political bosses staying in power,” Mazibuko said.

She said she was relieved when President Cyril Ramaphosa ascended to power, as South Africa was going through a tense time in politics.

According to market research and consulting firm Ipsos, the ANC’s support has rocketed to 60% since Ramaphosa took over.

Another Ipsos poll found in May that almost two-thirds (63%) of voters believed the country was going in the right direction under Ramaphosa.

“We do not realise how close we came to tipping our democracy over the cliff.

“I am relieved Ramaphosa came out on top,” Mazibuko said.

About the DA’s handling of Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille’s case, Mazibuko said: “She’s a woman accused of bad management style. I’ve never heard men being accused of bad management.”

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