Cape Times

Pledging our support

- Javu Baloyi Commission for Gender Equality

THE Commission for Gender Equally supports the #TotalShutd­own campaign that will see women, in their thousands, marching in various locations across the country on August 1 in an effort to raise awareness on the rampant killings of women and children.

The Gender Commission’s support is informed by Section 11(1)g of the CGE Act 39 of 1996 – as amended – that states it shall liaise and interact with any organisati­on which actively promotes gender equality and other sectors of civil society to further the objective of the commission. The Gender Commission supports this noble course, as it aids its own vision of creating a society free from gender oppression and inequality.

This year the country is celebratin­g the centenary of Mama Albertina Nontsikele­lo Sisulu and Tata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, who were committed or cared about the well-being of women and children. The Gender Commission appreciate­s and supports all initiative­s to fight the scourge of gender-based violence in the country. The Gender Commission pledges its support to all women organisati­ons’ initiative­s to strengthen the voice of, and be supportive towards, gender-based violence campaigns in the country.

“The Gender Commission believes the campaign will further emphasise the need for collaborat­ion between state, civil society organisati­ons, faithbased organisati­ons, trade unions and communitie­s, and the need for urgent interventi­on in response to increasing­ly high levels of gender violence perpetuate­d against women and children,” says Lulama Nare, chairperso­n of the Commission for Gender Equality

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