Cape Times

Potato sourdough wholewheat bread


Makes 4-5 loaves


1 litre (4C) boiling water, cooled to lukewarm 10g (2t) instant yeast 1 medium-sized potato, peeled and coarsely granted

320g (2C + 3T) cake flour

1. Pour the lukewarm water into a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid and add the yeast and potato. Stir well.

2. Sprinkle the cake flour over the water mixture, but do not stir.

Make a small hole in the centre of the flour to allow fermentati­on to take place. Seal the container so that it is airtight and place it in a warm room or cooler box with a constant temperatur­e of 24°C. Set aside for 12 hours until you see bubbles forming and the mixture looks foamy.

WHOLEWHEAT BREAD 250g (1¾ C) wholewheat flour 50g (¼ C) rye flour 700g (5 C) cake flour 10ml (2t) yeast 10ml (2t) salt 100g (¾ C) potato sourdough starter 45ml (3T) butter 15ml (1T) honey 690ml (2¾ C) water

Mix all the dry ingredient­s together in one bowl and all the wet ingredient­s together in a separate bowl. Make a well in the flour mixture and pour in the liquid. Mix until well combined. Knead lightly for 10 minutes. Set aside until doubled in volume. Keep it warm under a blanket.

As soon as the dough is spongy and doubled in volume, turn out on to a lightly floured surface. Divide into 450g portions. Shape into a rough rectangula­r shape and roll up like a Swiss roll. Dust a dishcloth with enough flour so that it is completely covered, then use the cloth to line a loaf pan. Place the dough into the cloth lining and allow to rise.

While the dough rises, place in a castiron pot with lid. Bake for 25 minutes with the lid on, and then 30 minutes without the lid. This technique is known as “Dutch Oven baking”.

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