Cape Times




I read that there is a Pennsylvan­ia law firm called Bickers and Bickers. (It may be a father-son/daughter tandem; my guess is that it’s husbandwif­e.) Many couples play bridge in perfect harmony. Others let the little frustratio­ns of their marriage surface at the table. Against today’s four spades, West led a diamond, and South took the ace and led a low heart from dummy: four, ten, ace. East won the diamond return and shifted to the king of clubs, but South took the ace and led the queen of hearts, ruffing East’s king.


Declarer next took the A-Q of trumps, pitched a club on the jack of hearts and ruffed a heart. He led a trump to dummy and threw his last club on the good fifth heart. Making five. East-West then engaged in some bickering. “Put up the king on the first heart,” West griped. “He goes down.” “You’re a result merchant,” East retorted. I’m afraid West had a case. It’s a mystery how East expected to beat four spades if South had the ace of hearts.


You hold: ♠ Q 10 2 ♥ Q J 8 3 2♦ A Q ♣ A 9 4. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one heart and he bids two clubs. What do you say? ANSWER: To jump to 3NT might work, but it would be a shame if partner passed with 4 3, A, K J 10 7 6, K Q 10 5 3, and the defenders took the first five tricks in spades. Many players would try two spades, a “fourth suit” bid to let partner make another descriptiv­e bid. If he bids 2NT next, you can raise to 3NT with more assurance.

North dealer

N-S vulnerable

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