Cape Times

Shun despot Trump

- Gco Mkunqwana Gugulethu

THE miserable and shameless (US President Donald) Trump, a despot of note who lies his way through to the American public and the whole world with his despotic tendencies, has entered the fray of SA politics.

Most Western countries offer a sober view and general acceptance of the need for our country to deal with its colonial and apartheid past and reverse long overdue inequities that continue to blemish our socio-political landscape.

Yet a racist and divisive Trump thinks he can offer anything cogent to our local challenges. AfriForum and other racist-oriented organisati­ons should be hanging their heads in shame for thinking Trump and his administra­tion will resolve our challenges, given the history of racial oppressive tendencies the US faces.

The lives of white farmers, as well as all South Africans who are daily affected by crime and socio-economic inequities, linked to the abhorrent racist past, are equally important and should not be driven by reactionar­y tendencies and irrational­ity.

We will never, as a country, revert to the old apartheid racist past. As Mandela so eloquently and consistent­ly advocated locally and to the world.

We therefore do not need doomsayers and racists like Trump to determine our future.

One is compelled to implore our government not to cave in to this despot’s intrusion, which offers no rationalit­y but a deep dark bottomless pit into nothingnes­s…

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