Cape Times

Tired eyes, or something more serious?


IT’S SA National Eye Care Awareness Month until October 18, and to mark the occasion, Novartis SA has called on South Africans to pay closer attention to eye care and the symptoms of eye diseases.

“Common eye problems can range from tired, red eyes through to deteriorat­ing vision,” says Dr Nicola Lister, Novartis SA chief scientific officer and medical director. “It’s important to know what symptoms are serious and seek treatment early to avoid further damage to your eyes.” A number of serious conditions are common in South Africa. These include:

Glaucoma is the build-up of pressure inside the eye, which can cause permanent damage if left untreated. In South Africa, it is estimated that about 200 000 people are affected. Glaucoma is most often seen in older adults, and because it is often painless, many people delay screening and treatment. Symptoms include reduced areas of vision and blurred vision. Once diagnosed, treatment helps to prevent further progressio­n of the disease and further loss of vision.

Cataract is a clouding of the lens inside the eye, leading to a decrease in vision in one or both eyes. It is a common cause of blindness in South Africa and can develop due to ageing, certain medical conditions or trauma to the eye. Surgery has been proven to be effective in treating cataracts.

Age-related macular degenerati­on (AMD) is a condition affecting older people, and involves the loss of the person’s central field of vision. AMD cannot be cured, but it can be treated to keep it from getting worse.

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