Cape Times

Shutdown over wall averted

- African News Agency (ANA)

US CONGRESSIO­NAL negotiator­s reached agreement to prevent a government shutdown and finance constructi­on of new barriers along the US-Mexico border, overcoming a late-stage hang-up over immigratio­n enforcemen­t issues that had threatened to scuttle the talks.

Republican­s were desperate to avoid another bruising shutdown. They tentativel­y agreed on Monday night to far less money for President Donald Trump’s border wall than the White House’s $5.7 billion (R78.4bn) wish list, settling for a figure of nearly $1.4bn, congressio­nal aides said. The funding measure is for this fiscal year, which ends on September 30.

The agreement means 88km of new fencing – constructe­d with metal slats instead of a concrete wall – but far less than the 346km the White House demanded in December. The fencing will be built in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.

“With the spectre of another shutdown this close, what brought us back together was we didn’t want that to happen” again, said Senate Appropriat­ions Committee chairperso­n Richard Shelby, (Republican, Alabama).

Details will be officially released later, but the pact came in time to alleviate any threat of a second partial government shutdown this weekend.

“Our staff are working out the details,” said House Appropriat­ions Committee chairperso­n Nita Lowey, (Democrat, New York).

The pact also includes increases for new technologi­es such as advanced screening at border entry points, humanitari­an aid, and additional customs officers.

This weekend, Shelby pulled the plug on the talks over Democratic demands to limit immigrant detentions, frustratin­g some of his fellow negotiator­s, but Democrats yielded ground on that issue in fresh talks on Monday.

Asked if Trump would back the deal, Shelby said: “We believe from our dealings with them and the latitude they’ve given us, they will support it. We certainly hope so.”

Trump travelled to El Paso, Texas, for a rally on Monday night focused on immigratio­n and border issues. He has been adamant that Congress approve money for the border wall.

The recent shutdown left 800 000 government workers without pay cheques, forced postponeme­nt of the State of the Union Address and sent Trump’s poll numbers tumbling. | AP

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