Cape Times



A DONE DEAL Cy the Cynic asserts that when all is said and done, it’s certain that someone will still have something else to say.

At today’s four spades, South ruffed West’s second high diamond, led a trump to the ace and returned one to his jack. West won and led a third diamond, and South ruffed. Declarer couldn’t draw the missing trump; he would have none left himself, and West would cash two diamonds when he took the ace of hearts. So South led a heart. West rose with the ace and led a fourth diamond, and when South had to ruff with his king of trumps, West’s ten won the setting trick. Overtrick

The deal was done, but of course South had to have a word.

“If the trump finesse wins,” he said, “I make an overtrick.”

After South ruffs the second diamond, he should take the A-K of trumps, keeping control. When East-West play low, declarer forces out the ace of hearts. West can cash his high trump and force South to ruff a diamond, but South has the rest with high hearts and clubs. DAILY QUESTION

You hold: A 6 5 J 4 7 4 3 2 A K Q 2. ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ You open one club, your partner responds one heart, you bid 1NT and he tries two spades. What do you say?

Answer: Your partner’s second bid is a “reverse” and is strengthsh­owing and forcing. You must act, but you should not persist in no-trump with weak diamonds, nor should you show a preference for hearts with only J-4 or raise the spades. A bid of three clubs is your most descriptiv­e action. North dealer Both sides vulnerable

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