Cape Times

There’s a bigger pool of taxes waiting to be tapped

Expunge sin from our taxes and we may finally get to that enormous pool of religion

- AMBASSADOR BHEKI GILA Ambassador Bheki Gila is a Barristera­t-Law.

A POST NUGENT Commission South Africa habits a different psychologi­cal poise to tax collection and how it views the administra­tion of the revenue agency.

That comportmen­t of will and resuscitat­ion must as of necessity flow to influence the attitude of the government and the relevant policy making institutio­ns of the republic.

None among us with a modicum of social consciousn­ess can possibly ignore the urgency and humility of the learned judge when he said: “The commission has been perturbed by evidence it has heard of the current position at Sars, which is set to perpetuate ongoing loss of revenue if there is no immediate interventi­on.”

From my vantage, the descriptio­n of taxation over some commoditie­s as sin tax, even in jest, has more to do with lending moral judgment over the said commoditie­s, so much so that those that are not so categorise­d always escape the pressures of Budget speech targeting.

The practice has self-perpetuate­d for so long that cigarettes and alcohol have tacitly resigned to the fate that they alone shall bear the burden of all other consumable silent killers, their sinning fellow travellers. But how did we get to this?

For some time now since the advent of our constituti­onal system, we have been grappling with two sets of revenue parameters which need addressing. The first is the politicisa­tion of the revenue agency.

The Nugent Commission, if the authoritie­s would oblige, has provided solutions to this vexing problem.

The honourable Nugent has reiterated in emphasis certain excerpts of the recommenda­tions of the Davis Committee Report on Tax Administra­tion, articulati­ng at length the rudiments of the resolution of this first problem.

The golden test of the will of the administra­tion whether or not it accepts and internalis­es the commission’s interim recommenda­tions, shall be when the President accepts this first precept.

If the President proceeds to appoint a commission­er himself, the nobility of the Nugent endeavour will be reduced to a macadamian kerfuffle. And to avoid that, not only must the minister appoint, the board recommende­d to oversee the agency must equally be establishe­d.

The second parameter, which is destined to take longer to tackle, requiring as it does much resolve which our political polity may not adequately possess, must be the moralising of the revenue collection.

We can comfortabl­y tax cigarettes and alcohol but we are morally restrained from taxing guns and bullets and firecracke­rs in kindred manner. Add unbenefici­ated and semi-processed exported minerals to this list.

The genesis of our sin tax moralisati­on is the thesis that smoking and indulgence in alcoholic beverages equate to sin. They probably are. However, proclaimin­g them as such is an ecclesiast­ical responsibi­lity and not the function of a democratic government whose mandate derives from representi­ng all its people, religious and non-religious alike.

Besides, our revenue collecting agency has got no such moral obligation, at least not in terms of section 195 of the Constituti­on that justifies its existence.

Neither should the Treasury proceed from that premise. Such partiality in respect of some religious philosophy as opposed to others, has trapped it psychologi­cally and has by extension, limited its options in search of expanded frontiers for revenue sources.

Down this path, certain commoditie­s, legal as they may be, stand to be demonised as morally repugnant without any standard of measure to do so.

That level of bias is careless, egregious and harrowingl­y unjust. Sugar and sugar-based products, the modern flag bearers of sinful indulgence that kill people everyday, got a sweet deal. They have escaped with glee, while salt, the culprit busy clogging the arteries of our senior citizens, watches scepticall­y. It knows without equivocati­on that it is next.

The function of the tax authoritie­s is relatively simple. They are the middleman in any transactio­n between persons both natural and juristic. The taxman equitably pronounces on the nature of the transactio­n and accordingl­y allocates the revenue payment obligation­s.

In their absence, purely by politicisa­tion of collection­s, many taxable activities escape without scrutiny. The good news is that we have Tito Mboweni, the unflappabl­e praetorian guard of the Treasury, and another. This is the Commission for the Protection of the Rights of Cultural and Linguistic Communitie­s, a quaint constituti­onal creature that is reposed with great responsibi­lities.

Both this commission and our former Governor of the Reserve Bank have started flexing their muscles in respect of this second perplexing parameter. Mboweni went for sugar and carbon, and the commission went for Non-Profit Organisati­ons.

It would be irresponsi­ble not to talk about non-profit organisati­ons, especially when seeking to debunk the untruth that non-profit creatures are not taxed.

They are taxed in so many other ways by taxes of general applicatio­n like VAT and property tax. Their premises are subject to municipal dues and levies. Their employees are subject to income tax, and in kind, obligated to a host of other less pronounced ones. Their only claim to exceptiona­lism is that whatever activity they do which generates profit, such profit cannot and should not be taxable.

That might just as well be. There are rights and there are privileges. The former are enshrined in the Constituti­on, while the latter is a facet of our political machinatio­ns and are generally contained in the statute. The claim not to be taxed is a prayer for an absolute political privilege. Therefore, only provisions of a statute must regulate these privileges and their exceptions, consistent with the tenets of the enabling provisions of the constituti­on, I might add.

“Non-Profit Organisati­ons” is a big group of taxable citizens. It includes churches, charitable organisati­ons and academic institutio­ns.

The only plea we have is that the peremptori­es of the Donations Tax must apply rigorously in respect of this category. When congregant­s give money to a church, it is a donation. And the donation tax is always a burden on the person making the donation.

In respect of churches, that arrangemen­t must change urgently, lest the Bushiri nightmare will haunt us forever without respite. Hovering at 20 percent flat rate, no institutio­n should be absolved from this tax. No such general law of applicatio­n suffers it nor do any of the constituti­onal prescripts that govern us all provide for it.

To preserve some vestige of moralisati­ons, however, the church should be exempt from certain taxes.

To a statutoril­y defined limit, these should be the House of God and the house of the parsonage. Anything beyond that is money laundering.

Mark Kingon, in his heroism, sought to slay the holy cows, and went straight for the churches and the transfer pricing lot. With the current titan at the Treasury, he has an admirable partner.

We will never know the end of it, however, until a commission­er of inland revenue is confirmed.

Perhaps by expunging sin from our taxes, we may finally get to that enormous taxable pool that must bulge our Treasury and feed the denizens.

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 ?? SUMAYA HISHAM Reuters ?? THE GOOD NEWS is that we have Tito Mboweni, the unflappabl­e praetorian guard of the Treasury, as Minister of Finance, says the writer. I
SUMAYA HISHAM Reuters THE GOOD NEWS is that we have Tito Mboweni, the unflappabl­e praetorian guard of the Treasury, as Minister of Finance, says the writer. I
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