Cape Times




AMID the doom and gloom and the noisy, empty vessels on social media and some websites – especially the bitter, disgruntle­d former this and that – a reader comes along every now and again, to make it all worthwhile.

Here is my recent correspond­ence with said reader, from Rondebosch, whose real name we’re withholdin­g lest she, too, be subjected to the usual vitriol: Dear Sirs,

I regret that we are no longer able to receive the morning Cape Times which we have enjoyed reading for many, many years.

My husband is very ill and in care – he is unable to read and I do not have the time.

Please cancel our Cape Times subscripti­on forthwith.

Many thanks, Mary.

Dear Mary,

So sorry to learn of your husband’s illness. We wish him a speedy recovery, and loving care.

All strength to you during this difficult time. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Thank you so much for your loyal support over all these years. We appreciate it.

My colleagues will do the necessary. Ilonette, please advise us when done.

Kind regards,


Thank you for your comforting message. My husband, especially, LOVED reading the CT and could not wait for it to arrive in the early mornings – you brought much enjoyment into our home.

I am beside myself with worry about his health and cannot bear to read anything at this time.

PLEASE pray for us – we have been married 56 years and I love him so!

Best wishes to you all.

Dear Mary

Such true love and devotion is so precious; thank you for setting such a fine example.

It is heart-warming.

Every now and again we get to be reassured that our work has some meaning.

In my many years in journalism, your words rank among the very best in making me feel it was all worthwhile. Thank you.

Rest assured you and your hubby remain in our thoughts and prayers.

Warmest regards and best wishes, Aneez.

THANK YOU SO MUCH, ANEEZ! Enjoy every moment with your loved ones. Life is very precious.

Warm greetings.

I will draw my loved ones closer and give them an extra hug. Thanks, Mary.

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