Cape Times

Intensify campaign on violence


EACH year, during the 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence, we make the point that 16 days is not enough: this must be a 365-daya-year cause in South Africa.

Two news items this week show how important it is to never lose sight of this: the Babes Wodumo video and the appearance in court of the man accused of raping a girl in the toilets of a family restaurant in Pretoria.

Shortly after Rev Mbongeni Simelane, father of Babes (Bongekile Simelane), said the abuse of his daughter had gone on for a long time, her musician partner, Mampintsha, was arrested.

While some had cruelly suggested that the live video which played out on Babes’ Instagram feed was a ploy at publicity – something along the lines of Moozlie’s stunt of having an accident while engaging on a social media platform – this clearly is not the case.

Mampintsha was released on R2 000 bail and protested to media that he was the wronged party, and was simply defending himself.

What we do have now is insight into the ugly reality of intimate-partner abuse which plays out behind closed doors in many homes across the country, and the mindset of the type of men involved.

In the other item, the case of the man accused of the rape of a 7-year-old in the toilets of a restaurant in Pretoria last year appeared in court, is set down for the High Court in September.

Social media brings these issues into the open, leading to growing awareness of the warning signs and the extent of the problem. What is required is intensifie­d action in response, not only for 16 days but 365 days of the year.

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