Cape Times

Uitzig parents to discuss way forward in school battle


PARENTS of Uitzig Senior Secondary pupils met last night to discuss the legal route they would take in the fight to keep the school open.

Education MEC Debbie Schäfer decided to close the school at the start of the year, but a Western Cape High Court order in January suspended Schäfer’s decision until the school governing body’s (SGB) applicatio­n for leave to appeal was heard in the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA).

But the SCA dismissed the applicatio­n this week.

Cosatu, which has been supporting the school, said the SGB was expected to have met last night to decide on whether they would refer the matter to the Constituti­onal Court.

“This is unfortunat­e and a travesty of justice which denies poor children accessible education. The SGB had previously decided to challenge the high court decision all the way to the top so justice can be done...

“This ruling is being celebrated by the (Helen) Zille government, (which) has been managing this school into the ground for the last seven years. It was only the dogged determinat­ion of the learners and governing body that kept the school going,” Cosatu said.

Schäfer said she would be in discussion­s with district officials and would seek legal advice as to the next steps. “After years of protracted and costly court battles, where learners were found to be supporting court applicatio­ns as proxies for political aims rather than being in the classroom, I really do hope that the decision by the SCA now provides objective clarity on the matter.

“Provided that we can now finally close this school without further obstructio­n, learners can at last be relocated to better schools to receive the quality education that they deserve.”

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