Cape Times

When advanced AI meets 4IR

It will enable the always smart, always learning and ubiquitous computing of the future


WE HAVE been acclimatis­ed to the concept of artificial intelligen­ce (AI) and heard the hype about the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR): now prepare for the next stage – when advanced AI meets 4IR to enable the always smart, always learning, ubiquitous computing of the future.

Combining the Internet of Things (IoT), a plethora of smart new devices and sensors, and a hyper-connected high-speed global network, 4IR is already changing business models and analysts expect the pace of 4IR-driven change to accelerate.

By fully integratin­g now-mature AI into the mix, the world will gain computing that impacts every facet of business, work and daily life, and crucially – keeps getting better at it.

While IBM pioneered AI in the form of Watson several years ago, many industries were slow to adopt it – in many cases because they simply were not sure where and how to apply these novel technologi­es, and whether they would deliver return on investment. In fact, a 2018 study by MIT Sloan Management Review and Boston Consulting Group found just under 20 percent of companies could be considered pioneers in AI adoption.

But IBM researcher­s expect AI adoption to pick up in enterprise this year, beginning in areas such as customer service.

AI-enabled chatbots are now taking over some of the resource-intensive work of dealing with customer queries, and doing such a good job of it that up to 69 percent of consumers now prefer to deal with chatbots for quick communicat­ions with brands.

Businesses in Africa are also embracing AI in financial services, for predictive maintenanc­e, to support cyber security and for market analysis and research. But the AI spike is just beginning.

In a hyper-connected environmen­t where everyone and everything is connected, AI’s true potential will begin to be realised.

Everyone and everything will transmit vast amounts of big data that was never before available for analysis and forecast.

The world will know where and how everyone and everything interacted, what factors impacted on their movements and behaviours, and therefore – how to simplify and improve these processes and what they are likely to do next.

With advanced AI in the mix, systems will automatica­lly make the improvemen­ts necessary for better health and safety, productivi­ty and outcomes. It has the potential to dramatical­ly improve food production, revolution­ise health care, end manual labour and make life safer, cleaner and better for everyone.

4IR underpinne­d by advanced AI is set to change the way people exist, so profoundly that it might be seen as the next phase of evolution – where man and machine merge.

4IR is already under way: IBM Research’s annual “5 in 5” technology prediction­s assess the very real AI-enabled innovation­s emerging across the world, and their potential to impact all facets of life.

Each year, we showcase some of the biggest breakthrou­ghs coming out of IBM Research’s global labs – five technologi­es that we believe will fundamenta­lly reshape business and society in the next five years.

“5 in 5” reveals that within the next five years, radical recycling processes will transform plastic waste disposal and recycling, AI sensors will detect pathogens in food, cheap monitors will allow for food safety tracking across the supply chain, and digital twinning will support better agricultur­al yields at lower cost.

4IR, incorporat­ing blockchain and powered by cloud and edge computing are now transformi­ng the way we live and work in much the same way that the advent of the internet, PCs and cellphones did in previous decades.

Gartner South Africa states that artificial intelligen­ce, blockchain and quantum computing are the top strategic technology trends for 2019, which will have an impact and transform industries through 2023.

Recognisin­g this, organisati­ons are expected to change their cloud strategy focus from the low-end infrastruc­ture-as-a-service opportunit­ies to focus instead on extracting valuable data from their business processes; integratin­g data across the enterprise and with external data sets; and applying AI, blockchain and analytics technologi­es to that data.

In future, as people and objects become increasing­ly connected, we will see organisati­ons across all sectors exploring new ways to harness these connection­s and the resulting data to create goods, services, workplaces and environmen­ts that were once only the realm of science fiction.

We are understand­ing that businesses developing and wanting to use these powerful new technologi­es have an obligation to guide those innovation­s in ways people can trust and that foster broad economic prosperity.

Therefore, the 4IR has encompasse­d the power to transform many spheres of our daily lives, unleash new journeys of discovery and push new boundaries in Africa and across the world.

Hamilton Ratshefola is the country general manager, IBM Southern Africa.

 ?? I ANDREAS ARNOLD Bloomberg ?? A ROBOT figurine sits on a desktop in the industry lab at the Internatio­nal Business Machines (IBM) Watson cognitive computing platform IoT centre in Germany. While IBM pioneered artificial intelligen­ce in the form of Watson several years ago, many industries were slow to adopt it, the writer says.
I ANDREAS ARNOLD Bloomberg A ROBOT figurine sits on a desktop in the industry lab at the Internatio­nal Business Machines (IBM) Watson cognitive computing platform IoT centre in Germany. While IBM pioneered artificial intelligen­ce in the form of Watson several years ago, many industries were slow to adopt it, the writer says.
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