Cape Times

Food for thought in child’s learning


I AM writing to express my humble appeal to parents to pack a nutritious lunch box for their kid’s school lunch.

In order for children to be attentive and constructi­vely active at school and lead a healthier lifestyle later on in life, a balanced eating programme is very important from a young age. It will definitely help when parents and even grandparen­ts model good eating habits and exercise to prevent obesity, high blood pressure, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes and other chronic ailments.

Just imagine. If every day, children returning from school, vernacular classes or sporting sessions are warmly received at home by an adult with freshly cooked home food and not given unhealthy junk foods such as sausages, polonies and other processed foods.

What exemplary upbringing will be instilled in the child and what wonderful memories they will have of their childhood and teenage years.

Our forefather­s and predecesso­rs maintained that the eating of processed foods harms the soul, character, health and even thinking. According to dieticians, the worst sugars and additives are in processed foods, energy drinks, desserts and even some fruit juices.

Parents should not compromise their children’s future by introducin­g them to and feeding them junk food. Children’s happiness should come from balanced and healthy meals, quality family time, prayers and enough outdoor activities such as sports, exercise and family picnics. MOHAMED SAEED | Pietermari­tzburg

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