Cape Times

Three ways to be a happier, more effective parent this year


AS A teacher, I’ve had the chance to observe and learn from many parents over the years.

I’ve been struck by how happy, positive and empowered some of them are, even in difficult times. But there are also those who are stressed and often don’t seem to enjoy parenting.

Here are strategies for easier and more empowered parenting, based on watching happy parents and trying their techniques.

Parent from wisdom, not fear

That phrase come from Tim Elmore, an author the founder of Growing Leaders, an Atlanta organisati­on created to develop emerging leaders. He says a great deal of parenting behaviour stems from fear. We might fear other people, our inexperien­ce and imperfecti­ons, or any number of terrible things that could befall our children. Elmore suggests consciousl­y replacing fear with wisdom. He talks about it in the context of modelling this for our kids, but I find the process helpful for parents, as well. We can’t wish away fear or guilt. But we can resist acting on the feelings. I’ve noticed that acting on feelings of fear or guilt increases their hold on me.

Try a social media fast

We’ve heard about the power of physically declutteri­ng. A few years ago, I tried declutteri­ng my social media, and it changed my life.

It also enhanced my family relationsh­ips. Fasting gave me the clarity to see how I could better align social media use with my priorities and values.

Declutter your child’s schedule

We live in a time of opportunit­ies for kids. But too much of a good thing can be a problem, and being overschedu­led can have negative consequenc­es.

A few years ago, feeling stretched and stressed, my wife and I limited our children to one after-school activity a season.

It’s hard to overstate the difference this made.

I’m not proposing that solution for everyone but it is refreshing to make choices about what we want to do, rather than doing what a schedule dictates.

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