Cape Times

ANC pays respects to celebrated party stalwart


THE ANC yesterday paid tribute to Elizabeth Mnumzana – “Recipient of the order of Luthuli in Silver” – who died at the weekend aged 100.

The party said it joined millions of South Africans “who say that the passing of Mama Mnumzana marks the end of a life that was genuine and selflessly committed to serving the people of South Africa”.

“Mama Mnumzana was a loyal servant of our people who will be remembered for her excellent leadership and activism in the health-care sector.

“She contribute­d enormously to the fight against apartheid and the ushering in of a democratic, nonracial, non-sexist and

South Africa.

“Mama Mnumzana is the mother of Comrade Thembi Majola, the former deputy minister of energy affairs and the late Lulu Mnumzana, a renowned journalist.” prosperous

Elizabeth Mnumzana joined the ANC in the early 1950s at the beginning of the Defiance Campaign.

She also joined the Federation of South African Women and became secretary for the then Transvaal from 1960 until 1966.

In her formative political years in the 1950s, Mnumzana was part of the anti-pass Women’s March of 1956 to the Union Buildings.

From 1970 to 1977, she worked for the Health Ministry in Zambia in Kabwe.

She took part in numerous ANCrelated activities, including branch meetings, giving health assistance to comrades and participat­ing in internatio­nal solidarity and women’s gatherings, such as the UN Women’s Conference in Mexico

in 1975 and the 1980 Women’s Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.

“Due to her political involvemen­t, she was banned and restricted for five years, during which period she violated the conditions of the ban and was arrested in 1969.

“In 1970, together with her two young girls, she left illegally for Botswana as a refugee, and in 1971 moved to Lusaka, Zambia,” the ANC said.

“Mnumzana was honoured by former state president Jacob Zuma with the Order of Luthuli in Silver for her lifetime commitment to the Struggle for liberation in South Africa and her complete dedication to the creation of a better South Africa, Africa and the world.”

“Mama Mnumzana was a loyal servant of our people remembered for her leadership ANC

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