Cape Times

Zille closes public Twitter handle, retreats to her private account


DA FEDERAL chairperso­n Helen Zille yesterday said she was closing her public Twitter handle, where her posts have over the years repeatedly landed her in political hot water.

Zille said she was retreating to a private Twitter account, following distastefu­l comments on a picture she posted of herself and her granddaugh­ter Nceba cooking during a bout of load shedding.

One Twitter user asked whether the little girl was being trained to become a domestic servant.

“After the grotesque treatment of my granddaugh­ter on Twitter ydy, I am closing this account. I say goodbye to some of my followers, and good riddance to the haters, bots and sock-puppets that constitute such a large percentage of my 1.4-million plus followers,” Zille said.

She said the social media platform may have been intended to engender debate and freedom of speech, but had ended up curtailing both. “For a long time I have sought to promote Twitter as a platform for rational and civil debate, but it clearly is not possible. It has degenerate­d into a space of distortion, de-contextual­isation, demonisati­on, de-legitimati­on and double standards.

“Instead of democratis­ing debate, it has severely curtailed freedom of

“Instead of democratis­ing debate, it has curtailed freedom of speech

Helen Zille DA Federal chairwoman

speech and discussion. It emboldens your enemies and silences your friends. It is a space where the best lack all conviction and the worst are full of passionate intensity, as Yeats so aptly put it.”

Zille said she was setting up a new private account, where she would engage with “people interested in rational debate only”.

She apologised in advance to those who would be excluded as followers because she did not know them.

In March 2017, Zille upon returning from Singapore, sent out a tweet in which she said colonialis­m “was not all bad”. It triggered a political storm, and she was suspended from the party by then leader Mmusi Maimane pending a disciplina­ry process.

The charges were dropped after she apologised and agreed to withdraw from all leadership structures.

But the matter lingered in the air long after, and Maimane made reference to it earlier this year when he resigned from the official opposition party after Zille returned to a key leadership position.

Zille also used her Twitter account to comment widely on issues around the world.

 ?? African News Agency (ANA) ?? DURBAN University of Technology campus guards were deployed to maintain order after students protested yesterday over the lack of accommodat­ion at the institute. They threw fireworks at security guards. The protests were a continuati­on of those last week when five students were arrested according to police. | DOCTOR NGCOBO
African News Agency (ANA) DURBAN University of Technology campus guards were deployed to maintain order after students protested yesterday over the lack of accommodat­ion at the institute. They threw fireworks at security guards. The protests were a continuati­on of those last week when five students were arrested according to police. | DOCTOR NGCOBO

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