Cape Times

Sinister agenda at play at Eskom?

- (no attachment­s). All letters must contain the writer’s full name, physical address and telephone number. No pen names. VISVIN REDDY | Activists Movement of SA RIANNA WENTZEL | Grassy Park

THE Eskom business model is something that is very strange. Here is a State-Owned Company that uses coal to make power and, as a country, we have an abundant supply of coal.

In fact, we have so much coal that we give it to Sasol to make petrol and today Sasol is one of the most profitable companies in the world. We also sell our surplus coal to other countries.

The most amazing thing about the Eskom business model is that it is also funded by the government. So in summary, we have a company that has a monopoly in the market and funded by the state and still runs at a loss. Whatever the case may be, Eskom must work because if it doesn’t, it affects every South African.

The president announced in his State of the Nation Address that financiall­y stable municipali­ties may now buy power from IPPs. Wait a minute.

The Eskom customers that keep it afloat are municipali­ties and now we are saying to these municipali­ties that they don’t need to buy power from Eskom? They can go to IPPs. The IPPs or Independen­t Power Producers are companies that were awarded a multi-billion rand tender to supply alternate energy in SA. This tender was shrouded in mystery and rumours abound that those who are politicall­y connected were handed these contracts.

The writing is on the wall for Eskom as someone is working hard to destabilis­e this company and render it dysfunctio­nal. Why? Are we going to wake up one morning and find Eskom replaced by a private energy company with close links to certain politician­s?

If this happens then you and I will be totally in the dark and in the hands of outside forces whose sole aim will be to make profits. And selling power in this country is a hugely profitable business.

Go to certain countries in Africa where key utilities, like water and energy, have been sold off to foreign companies.

To keep their taps on these countries are completely indebted to the foreigners who rape the land of all its resources.

We want you to be wary of what’s going on with Eskom and the government’s handling of it. There is a sinister agenda at play. Something is terribly wrong. statements reach the right people who will make the ultimate decisions?

Or are the decisions that have been made cast in stone?

The list of comments and statements:

OH. MY. GOSH!! When is this cruelty going to end?!?

Sick animal!! Imagine what that poor child had to endure? Not fair.

2 Life sentences should be a minimum… Enough!

We must never forget and never stop fighting back so that this type of scum never again causes hurt and pain like this.

Death penalty! Please! It is the only chance/way this evil deed will be feared.

Lock him up and throw away the key.

She was such a beautiful child. She had her whole life ahead of her.

She was robbed.

He doesn’t deserve to live. Absolutely horrific!

Wow!! This is beyond inhumane. Court cases. When the families have to endure over and over again what has happened to their loved one(s).

Get him sentenced as soon as possible.

Please media, no more posts about it. Enough!! No words!! Very disturbing.

Die vuil gemors!


Tell me what solutions you can come up with.

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