Cape Times

Aggressive measures needed for Covid-19


AS FEARS rise over the coronaviru­s (Covid-19) spreading into other parts of the world, every individual needs to take precaution­s to prevent any outbreak of infectious diseases within their own spaces.

The need to aggressive­ly take safety measures is important, even if the threat to South Africans is not immediate.

To this end I would like to take this opportunit­y to remind my fellow citizens that soon it will be the winter season, the cold and flu period. Hence, it is important to practise good hygiene and virus prevention practices such as washing hands often with soap and water, cover the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing by using a tissue paper, get the flu shot and practise a healthy lifestyle.

Moreover, stay at home and seek medical interventi­on if not feeling well especially with symptoms of high fever, sore throat, headache, sneezing and coughing.

Furthermor­e, I would like to appeal to people to stop posting on social media rumours, misinforma­tion and conspiracy theories around Covid-19, as this can create unnecessar­y panic and can also jeopardise research in the fight against this virus and other diseases.

The danger of contagious, deadly and possibly fatal viral disease outbreaks such as the Covid-19 requires well-planned draconian approaches such as screening and identifyin­g patients and the distributi­on of sufficient medical personnel and resources to keep diseases from possibly claiming lots of lives. MOHAMED SAEED | Pietermari­tzburg

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