Cape Times

High praise for helpful homeless


MY SON Morne and I have visited Long Beach, between Simon’s Town railway station and the Simon’s Town Naval Base, three times recently to do some fishing.

What struck me each time, and even more so last Saturday, is the attitude of the homeless people sleeping behind the very neat, wellkept public toilet.

It is very clear that each morning these homeless people fold up their meagre goods in blankets, which are then stacked neatly as if for a military inspection.

There are numerous locals and tourists visiting Long Beach, but these homeless people do not make a nuisance of themselves, nor do they beg for money.

There is one young man, Zaid Allie, who fetches seawater and places it in the parking area so that beachgoers can rinse the sea sand from their feet, but not once does he ask for money.

He also helps people like us with launching and landing, but walks away without asking for money. You have to call him back and place alms in his hands.

Despite their sitting doing nothing, one does not see dirt, paper or litter strewn around.

I could not help but wonder what unwritten contract there is between these homeless people and the powers that be, or with the residents of Simon’s Town. Whatever it is, it is truly working.

Usually, homeless persons sadly mess up the area they have “claimed” as property, and make utter nuisances of themselves to property or business owners. This can lead to friction, frustratio­n and severe criticism against the uses of city by-laws.

I would love to know what community coexistenc­e recipe is being used here at Long Beach; it may well be that others – whether private or public – can apply it in their areas. KEITH BLAKE | Ottery

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