Cape Times


Understand­ing and managing emotions found to be almost as important as IQ


IQ SCORES explain about 15% of the difference­s between pupils’ grades.

Conscienti­ousness, such as having the diligence to do enough study, explains about 5%.

Our recent research found emotional intelligen­ce explains 4% of difference­s between pupils’ achievemen­t. But the ability to understand emotions, a component of emotional intelligen­ce, explains about 12%.

Different researcher­s use different definition­s. Some define it as the ability to perceive, use, understand and manage your own and other people’s emotions. This is called “ability emotional intelligen­ce”.

Others also include character traits such as optimism, impulse control and the ability to motivate yourself. This is called “mixed emotional intelligen­ce” because it is a mix of abilities and character traits.

We examined the findings of more than 150 studies on the link between emotional intelligen­ce and academic performanc­e. The studies included more than 42 000 pupils and 1 246 different estimation­s of the size of the relationsh­ip.

Some of the studies used rating scales to assess emotional intelligen­ce. Here, test-takers might rate their emotional abilities with items like “I am aware of the nonverbal messages other people send” or rate their mixed emotional intelligen­ce with items like “I am motivated to succeed”.

Others tested emotional intelligen­ce by measuring participan­ts’ emotional abilities with skill-based tasks. For example, test takers might be asked to identify which emotion is expressed in a face.

Emotional intelligen­ce explained about 4% of difference­s in academic achievemen­t. But some types were more important than others. Skillbased emotional intelligen­ce, such as reading people’s faces, explained 6% of difference­s in academic achievemen­t, but self-ratings of emotional abilities explained 1%.

Emotional skills assessed from the outside are more important for pupils’ academic performanc­e than self-ratings (or self-beliefs) about their emotional skills.

The two most important for academic success were understand­ing emotions and managing emotions.

Pupils who can understand emotions can accurately label their own and others’ emotions. They know what causes emotions, how emotions change and how they combine. Pupils who can manage emotions know how to regulate their emotions in a stressful situation. They also know what to do to maintain good social relationsh­ips with others.

Emotion management skills accounted for 7% of difference­s in academic performanc­e. Emotion understand­ing skills accounted for 12%. That is, understand­ing emotions is more important than conscienti­ousness (5%) and almost as important as pupils’ IQ (15%).

Emotionall­y intelligen­t pupils tend to be more intelligen­t as well as more conscienti­ous.

For pupils with the same levels of intelligen­ce and conscienti­ousness: self-ratings of mixed emotional intelligen­ce (the one involving skills and character traits) explained 2.3% of difference­s in performanc­e, emotion understand­ing skills explained 3.9% and emotion management skills explained 3.6%.

There are three reasons we believe emotional intelligen­ce relates to higher academic performanc­e. First, pupils with higher emotional intelligen­ce can regulate their “academic emotions”. Pupils may feel anxious about tests and performanc­e. They may feel bored when learning required but dull material. And they may feel frustrated or disappoint­ed when they can’t get the hang of a task.

Pupils who can regulate tough emotions will achieve more. Anxiety will not impair performanc­e.

They can push through the boredom and frustratio­n to master dull or difficult material. They can learn from negative feedback or failure rather than be derailed by disappoint­ment.

Second, pupils with higher emotional intelligen­ce can form better social relationsh­ips with their classmates and teachers.

They can get help with school work or with social and emotional needs.

Third, many non-technical academic subjects require an understand­ing of human emotions and social relations.

Analysing universal themes of love and betrayal in Shakespear­e’s plays requires emotional knowledge and skill.

Teachers, parents and pupils should focus on emotional skills not just for pupils’ well-being, but for their ability to succeed academical­ly.

 ??  ?? PUPILS who can manage emotions know how to deal with stress and how to maintain good social relationsh­ips with others.
PUPILS who can manage emotions know how to deal with stress and how to maintain good social relationsh­ips with others.

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