Cape Times

Trump pledges $8.3bn to combat virus outbreak


US PRESIDENT Donald Trump is expected to sign an $8.3 billion (R130bn) measure to help tackle the coronaviru­s outbreak. The legislatio­n would provide federal public health agencies money for vaccines, tests and potential treatments, and help state and local government­s prepare for and respond to the threat.

The Senate passed the measure on Thursday. The money would pay for a multifacet­ed attack on a virus that is spreading more widely every day, sending financial markets spiralling again on Thursday.

Thursday’s sweeping 96-1 vote sends the bill to the White House for President Donald Trump’s signature. Republican Senator Rand Paul cast the sole “no” vote. The House passed the bill on Wednesday by a 415-2 vote.

The plan would more than triple the $2.5bn amount outlined by the White House 10 days ago. The Trump proposal was immediatel­y discarded by members of Congress from both parties.

Instead, the bipartisan leadership of the House and Senate Appropriat­ions committees negotiated the increased figure and other provisions of the legislatio­n in a burst of bipartisan co-operation that’s common on the panel but increasing­ly rare elsewhere in Washington.

“In situations like this, I believe no expense should be spared to protect the American people, and in crafting this package none was,” said Appropriat­ions Committee chairperso­n Richard Shelby, Republican, Alabama. “It’s an aggressive plan, a vigorous plan that has received an overwhelmi­ng positive reaction.”

Trump was sure to sign the measure, which has almost universal support.

It is intended to project confidence and calm as anxiety builds over the impact of the virus, which has claimed 12 lives in the US.

“The American people are looking for leadership and want assurance that their government is up to the task of protecting their health and safety,” said Democrat Senator Patrick Leahy.

The impact of the outbreak continues to mount. The British government is considerin­g suspending Parliament for five months in hope of limiting the spread of the virus in the United Kingdom.

The legislatio­n would provide federal public health agencies money for vaccines, tests and potential treatments, including $300 million to deliver such drugs to those who need it.

More than $2bn would go to help federal, state and local government­s prepare for and respond to the coronaviru­s threat.

An additional $1.3bn would be used to help fight the virus overseas.

There’s also funding to subsidise $7bn in small business loans.

Other dollars would be directed to help local officials prepare for the potential worsening of the outbreak and subsidise treatment by community health centres.

Medicare rules would be loosened to enable remote “telehealth” consultati­ons whereby sick people could get treatment without visiting a doctor.

Democrat Senator Maria Cantwell, whose state is at the centre of the crisis, praised the bill, because it “will increase access for public lab testing, help pay for isolation and quarantine, help pay for sanitising in public areas, better track the virus and those who might come into contact with it, help labs who are trying to identify hot spots, and limit exposure.”

The legislatio­n contains a hardwon compromise that aims to protect against potential price gouging by drug manufactur­ers for vaccines and other medicines developed with taxpayer funds.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar would have the power to make sure commercial prices are reasonable. Azar is a former drug industry lobbyist.

Democrats said other steps may be needed if the outbreak continues to worsen.

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