Cape Times

Try a novel strategy for a novel virus


ONE way to try to limit the spread of Covid-19 is to appoint a command council and charge them with making a list of everything people can and cannot do, at what time of the day.

Get the army in, arm them with automatic weapons and charge them with ensuring that no rule, however irrational, is broken.

Give the command council free reign to make whatever decisions please them, without requiring them to explain their rationale to anyone.

This approach will reward the command council with a feeling of control, but all creativity in responding to the virus will have been stifled, as any energy is spent fighting back.

A different approach would be to regulate the desired outcome – pass a lone regulation that requires citizens to remain at least two metres apart – but then stay out of it, acknowledg­ing that even 19 great minds are nothing compared to the combined creativity of millions of normal citizens.

It might please the command council that it would be easier to police the gaps between people than ensuring compliance with the book of regulation­s.

An even more novel strategy, fit for a novel virus, would be simply to educate the citizens properly about the virus threat.

Make sure everyone understand­s the dangers they face, and the measures within their control to avoid being infected. If we work together, we can adapt. But the first 60 days under the regulated lockdown have been wasted. We are no more prepared for a second wave than we were for the first. Not to mention the economic cost. KEN SCHUMANN | Tamboerskl­oof

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