Cape Times




1 Device on a camera (10)

6 Long, piercing cry (6)

7 Damages irreparabl­y (5)

9 Verse of a poem (6) 10 Female sheep (3) 11 Inclinatio­n or prejudice (4)

14 Stick together (4) 15 Aged (3) 16 Slanting type (6) 17 Group of nine (5) 18 Thing (6) 20 Children’s tale (5,5)


1 ... Reeves, comedian (3) 2 Incidents (6) 3 Extreme scarcity of food (6)

4 Usual (6) 5 Fast-spreading disease (8) 6 Obstinate (8) 8 Motorcycle sport (8)

9 Mediterran­ean island (8)

12 Intensely cold (6) 13 High waterproof boots (6)

14 Small restaurant (6)

19 Attempt (3)

 ??  ??

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