Cape Times



Mike Lupica (R518) PUTNAM

THE body of a stranger who had been dropped off by a car service at the gate of the richest family in fictional Paradise, Massachuse­tts, is found floating in a lake.

That same night, someone tries to rape a friend of the town’s deputy police chief.

That gives Deputy Molly Crane and her boss, Chief Jesse Stone, a lot to handle. Things promptly escalate when Molly and Jesse are both targeted for violence.

However, Mike Lupica gets Robert B. Parker’s Fool’s Paradise off to an agonisingl­y slow start with long passages about Jesse’s alcoholism, his complicate­d love life, and his friendship with Molly.

Fans of the series are already familiar with the characters originated by the late great Robert B. Parker, and Lupica’s musings add little to develop them. The pace picks up later when Lupica introduces several twists to the two plot lines, but neither is particular­ly well developed.

Worse, Lupica resolves the attacks on the police this way: The bad guy gets the drop on Jesse and intends to kill him but wastes time telling Jesse exactly what he has done and why, giving the chief an opening to turn the tables. It’s something no real criminal would do.

This a lazy approach to tying up loose ends is a tiresome, overused trope of crime fiction. Lupica is among a handful of writers entrusted with resurrecti­ng the main characters in the four enormously popular and profitable series started by Parker.

In fact, Lupica was also chosen to continue Parker’s novels about Boston private eye Sunny Randall, doing a fine job with his first two books in that series.

The second, the well-plotted Grudge Match, was especially good. In it, he successful­ly mimics Parker’s distinctiv­e prose style, one characteri­sed by ironic dialogue and crisp, short sentences that jitterbug across the page in a rhythm you could dance to.

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