Cape Times

Chickens roost in empty classrooms


ROWS of spinach sprout in the sports field where the students of Roka Preparator­y School once played football, and clucking chickens fluff their feathers in sawdust-covered classrooms where children once sweated over their exams.

No learners have thundered down the eerily quiet corridors since March, when Kenya abruptly closed its schools three days after the first case of Covid-19 was detected. The loss of income means some private schools will shut permanentl­y.

“I had to think of how to use the classrooms because they were haunting,” James Kung’u, the school’s director, said as he tended vegetables in the fields, around 100km north-east of the capital, Nairobi.

“When you wake up in the morning, and you find the empty classes looking at you – as an investment, (it’s) very discouragi­ng.”

Kenya’s 11 400 private primary and secondary schools serve about 2.6 million learners, the Kenya Private Schools Associatio­n says.

They vary from bare classrooms

charging a few thousand shillings a term to ultra-manicured campuses serving the nation’s elite.

Peter Ndoro, the associatio­n’s chairperso­n, said around 150 schools have gone bust.

Most of the 158 000 teachers working in private schools were on unpaid leave, Ndoro said.

While some schools have been able to oversee distance learning, in others the pupils – and the teachers – have no way to connect to the internet.

They have to look for creative ways to make money.

But Kung’u said turning to farming means Roka, which had 530 pupils in March, will not close.

He said to date, the school had lost at least 20 million shillings (R3m) in school fees but was paying partial salaries to teachers.

Schools are expected to remain closed at least until January.

Kenya’s Education Ministry says they can reopen only when the number of Covid-19 cases drops substantia­lly.

As of Wednesday, Kenya had 35 460 confirmed coronaviru­s cases, 607 deaths and 21 557 recoveries, the Health Ministry said.

The rise began to slow last month but it is unclear whether that is due to lower rates of testing due to a shortage of materials.

 ??  ?? CHICKENS in a classroom converted into a poultry house because of the coronaviru­s disease, in the town of Wang’uru, Kenya. | Reuters
CHICKENS in a classroom converted into a poultry house because of the coronaviru­s disease, in the town of Wang’uru, Kenya. | Reuters

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