Cape Times

How to keep your energy up when feeling down


THESE are stressful times. Many people struggle to master the art of working from home while balancing home schooling and the needs of a house-bound family.

With all this togetherne­ss, it is often hard to find alone time, which can deplete us.

Samantha Clayton, the vicepresid­ent of Worldwide Sports Performanc­e and Fitness, Herbalife Nutrition, offers tips on recharging:

Move more

With all the juggling people are doing, finding time to exercise can sometimes fall down or off the “must-do” list. Movement releases endorphins, which positively impact our mood and help us reclaim energy. Online courses – from yoga to Pilates, and strength training to aerobics – are available, and many are free. Also, consider a daily walk, bike ride, or run before the family wake up.

Eat up

Food is fuel and provides muchneeded energy to support our bodies.

Seek a balanced nutrition diet that provides the nutrients you need to fuel your activities and promote and maintain good health.

Healthy foods ensure your body gets the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs to work. Mix up your diet with nutritiona­l shakes that add protein.

Make healthy eating a family affair by making creative recipes that are sneakily nutritious.

Sleep smart

Sleep is key to replenishi­ng our energy levels. During times of stress, people often find sleep more elusive. Creating a sleep space is key to getting good sleep and it starts with a dark room free of distractio­ns. Dedicate your bedroom exclusivel­y to sleep, so you aren’t tempted to work or do hobbies.

Take a break from the digital world when you head to bed. Like many parents do for their babies, create a sleep ritual: a hot bath, a great book, a cup of herbal tea, and then lights out.

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