Cape Times




“Simple Saturday” columns are meant to help advancing players improve technique and logical thinking. My daughter is developing a fine sense of humor.

“If the Hamburglar commits a robbery,” she asked me when we had lunch at a McDonald’s, “does he hold people at bun point?”

A different kind of robbery was committed in today’s deal. North-South got to a good slam, and West led a heart. Declarer took dummy’s ace, drew trumps and let the jack of clubs ride ... and East played low as if he had never heard of the king.

Down One

Declarer then blithely led a second club to the queen, and East produced the king and led a heart. South ruffed but, stuck in his hand, he lost a diamond for down one. East made a good deceptive play, but after the jack of clubs wins, South should lead a club to the ace. If the king didn’t fall, he would let the queen of diamonds ride, making the slam no matter what. Beware of tricky opponents. Don’t let them rob you of a laydown contract.

Daily Question

You hold :♠982♥ QJ652 ♦ K 86♣ K 3. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one heart, he bids two clubs and you return to two diamonds. Partner then bids two hearts. What do you say?

Answer: Your partner promises extra strength. If he had a minimum hand such as 3, AK 4, QJ 753, Q 952, he would have raised your one-heart response directly to two hearts. Bid four hearts. Partner’ s hand maybe 3, AK 4, AQ 753, Q 9 5 2.

North dealer

E-W vulnerable

 ??  ??

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