Cape Times

State security minister visits vaccine sites


DURING her visit to three vaccinatio­n sites in the province yesterday, State Security Minister Ayanda Dlodlo said a large batch of vaccines from Pfizer would arrive on May 17 for phase 2 of the vaccine roll-out.

Dlodlo visited Khayelitsh­a, Tygerberg and Groote Schuur hospitals to inspect and monitor the vaccinatio­n roll-out programme in the province.

According to the province’s Covid19 dashboard, there have been 11 627 deaths and 270 595 recoveries, with 1 941 active cases recorded.

Dlodlo said a lot of hard work had led to the province being ready to roll out the vaccinatio­n programme.

“The first (phase) started with health-care workers but I am told here at Groote Schuur they have started with private practition­ers as well and brought them into the programme for the roll-out of the vaccinatio­n programme,” she said.

Groote Schuur chief executive Dr Bhavna Patel said the hospital was planning to roll out phase 2 of the vaccinatio­n programme in communitie­s so that vaccinatio­n sites were closer to people on the ground.

“We have been at the vaccinatio­n site since the start of the Sisonke trial, and we vaccinated all the health workers at Groote Schuur Hospital but we also have been vaccinatin­g everybody in the southern western substructu­re, all the health workers from all those facilities, and also at Red Cross hospital, University of Cape Town staff, City staff.

“Phase 1B is nearing completion, at around May 15, and then phase 2 will commence.

“The vaccines have to be stored at a certain temperatur­e so there are only certain facilities that can do that and we have those facilities here and fridges that are required for specific temperatur­es.

“We have installed a lot of security measures from cameras to access control to ensure that everything stays safe – and even where the vaccines get drawn up by pharmacist­s in the pharmacy during this trial phase,” said Patel.

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