Cape Times




Cy the Cynic says if you want to start an argument on the internet, it’s a two-step process: 1. Post an opinion; 2. Wait 10 seconds.

In today’s deal, the ruckus began soon after the opening lead. South took the ace of diamonds and cashed the ace of trumps — and East discarded. South then took the A-Q of clubs. When EastWest played low, South shrugged and led a low trump. West took his queen and cashed a diamond for down one, and North was aghast.

“It was cold,” North roared. “Lead a third club to dummy’s ten. Your only chance is to find West with J-x-x-x; a 3-3 break won’t help.”


“After East is void in trumps,” South said, “it’s most unlikely he has two low clubs. Your play would usually lose an extra 100-point undertrick.”

If South played the slam 100 times, I don’t know whether he would come out ahead by adopting North’s line of play. But the damage to a partnershi­p’s morale and a player’s reputation when he loses a makeable slam is not inconsider­able.

Daly Question

You hold: ♠ 752 ♥ J982 ♦ 52 ♣ AK 10 4. The dealer, at your left, opens one club. Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say?

Answer: You must not pass partner’s double for penalty. His hand is probably short in clubs, and you might not beat one club doubled. It’s wrong to “headhunt” before you investigat­e your chances on offense. Bid one heart. Partner has heart support, and you may have a game.

South dealer

N-S vulnerable

 ??  ??

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