Cape Times

For democracy to work, the press has to be free

- YOGAS NAIR AND MOLEBOHENG MOSIA Nair is the Independen­t Media Group’s Ombud. Mosia, an adjudicati­on panel member, contribute­d to this article

MEDIA law guru Dario Milo has got it all wrong. Independen­t Media’s internal Ombud’s office does have teeth. It operates exactly like the Press Council of South Africa, consisting of highly experience­d panel members who act without fear or favour.

Independen­t Media’s Ombud exists to help foster transparen­cy and accountabi­lity in news outlets. Concomitan­tly, Independen­t’s Ombud allows the audience to feel that they are a part of the news gathering and disseminat­ion process, and that their voice is listened to and taken seriously.

In a recent article in the Daily Maverick, Dario Milo, a partner at Webber Wentzel attorneys and adjunct professor at Wits University, says Independen­t Media should consider whether its absence from the Press Council is doing it more harm than good.

Milo, who acted for businesswo­man, banker and corporate executive Maria Ramos when she successful­ly sued the Star for defamation, clearly believes that with self-regulation, Independen­t Media cannot hold itself to account.

Nothing could be further from the truth. I strongly disagree. Independen­t media’s Ombud is rooted in transparen­cy. And from transparen­cy flows trust and loyalty.

We strive to show our readers that we care about accuracy and fairness. We may not always get it right, and when we are wrong, we will not hesitate to express regret and say sorry. Trusted journalism serves as an engine for democracy.

Since taking office as the Group Ombud, we have successful­ly mediated and adjudicate­d on several matters – of which all judgments are uploaded in full onto our website (https://www. independen­tmediaombu­

It is a transparen­t process, with editors being held to account. Nothing different from the purpose of the Press Council of South Africa.

In the case of the Ramos matter, internal processes are under way to deal with those responsibl­e for publishing the Ramos story. Like individual­s in other profession­s, journalist­s too, make mistakes.

When I assumed the position of Internal Press Ombud at Independen­t Media, I gave myself a deadline

to get to full productivi­ty. The first 100 days are vital whether you are an experience­d leader taking on a new role or someone becoming a leader for the first time. This is the period during which you have the opportunit­y to move the organisati­on in a modified direction; direct and energise your team; halt past bad practices; and display your strengths and style of management.

I am confident to proclaim that the workflow is gaining momentum; and my team is making the task of leadership easier and more rewarding.

Reminding myself of my role as Independen­t’s Press Ombud, I often recite the words of the legendary French philosophe­r Voltaire, who in defending freedom of expression, said: “I may not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it.”

It is against this bulwark of liberal thought that I hold the reins of the Office of the Independen­t Group Ombud. I see self-regulation and the promotion of quality journalism as additional safeguards of media freedom and even of media power.

Excessive regulation, extreme censorship and banning of media by the apartheid government is now history. Freedom of expression is a fundamenta­l human right enshrined in our Constituti­on.

For democracy to work, the press has to be free. Journalist­s must not be the servants of vested interests. They must serve the interests of the public and be conduits of reliable informatio­n. The media must uphold accuracy,

independen­ce, fairness, impartiali­ty and accountabi­lity.

And it is accountabi­lity that defines profession­alism and responsibl­e journalism. When we commit errors, we must correct them. As a media group, we must listen to the concerns of our audience, without whom we cannot exist. We must always provide remedies when we are unfair.

Media self-regulation and self-correction entrench the media’s acceptance of their share of responsibi­lity for the quality of public discourse in the nation, while fully preserving their editorial autonomy in shaping it.

A self-regulatory body such as the Office of the Independen­t Group Ombud determines the boundaries between the legitimate rights of a free press and the legitimate rights of people who attract media attention.

It does this by examining complaints against an agreed code of ethics and judging whether its rules have been broken. Thus, it provides guidance for journalist­s and the public on what practices are acceptable and the standards expected of news outlets. By dealing with complaints, profession­al standards can be raised.

Numerous studies have shown that an internal Ombud system, such as the Internal Press Ombud at Independen­t Media, functionin­g through a sound ethical code, can drasticall­y protect individual media titles against libel cases. By promoting standards, self-regulation helps maintain the media’s credibilit­y with the public.

It is quite natural for media consumers to seek guarantees about the value of journalist­s’ informatio­n. Codes of ethics provide guidance on editorial standards, while complaint mechanisms offer a kind of “quality insurance”.

All journalist­s employed by Independen­t Media must abide by the group’s Code of Ethics. If journalist­s work according to agreed ethical standards of behaviour – based on accuracy, fairness, independen­ce and accountabi­lity – they are less likely to fall foul of the law. Indeed, codes of ethics ensure that press freedom prevails.

The culture of public communicat­ion has seen dramatic changes in the way informatio­n is received and disseminat­ed. However, trust and confidence in ethical journalism remain as the cornerston­es of responsibl­e media organisati­ons.

The Office of the Independen­t Group Ombud will strive to create credible self-regulation to sustain the respect of our audience. When media provide a process by which the audience, or specifical­ly those subject to media scrutiny, are given a chance to air their complaints, it builds trust and improves the media’s reputation.

As the Ombud, I will continuall­y place high value on fact-checking, objectivit­y and balanced reporting.

My team of adjudicato­rs possesses personal and profession­al moral integrity and are committed to upholding journalist­ic standards and defending society’s right to receive objective informatio­n.

Our media titles will accept criticism and provide the right of reply and rectificat­ion to anybody who feels affronted or is directly affected by inaccurate or scurrilous informatio­n.

The use of provocativ­e, insulting and aggressive language is off limits. We will work within the parameters of the law and will correct mistakes without stalling.

Self-regulation of what we do, and how we do it, can only further develop social trust and provide greater support for freedom of expression.

After all, as media we seek to hold other parties to account and must also subject ourselves to checks and balances to uphold public trust.

 ??  ?? MOLEBOHENG Mosia
 ??  ?? YOGAS Nair

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