Cape Times

Thumbs up for risk-adjusted approach for schools


THE case-by-case approach of the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to managing Covid-19 infections in schools, along with the announceme­nt of vaccinatio­ns for all school staff, has been widely welcomed.

Minister Angie Motshekga at a media briefing on Saturday said the current situation the country found itself in did not warrant closing all schools. She said closures would be dealt with on a schoolby-school basis.

Equal Education (EE) and Equal Education Law Centre (EELC) said they had since last year appealed to the DBE to implement the risk-adjusted strategy so that teaching and learning can continue in schools in parts of the country where community transmissi­on is low or at zero, allowing the same schools to later close when community transmissi­on becomes high.

The organisati­ons said while learners were at home, they were not receiving school meals and lacked academic support.

“Government must not allow Covid-19 to continue to widen the gap in our education system. Interventi­ons that are responsive to the needs of our schools and that ensure equity must be implemente­d.

“The vaccinatio­n of school staff is critical and we will monitor the roll-out.”

All education sector staff are expected to start receiving their single dose of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) Covid-19 vaccine in the coming week. The roll-out will include 582 000 teachers, administra­tors and support staff.

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