Cape Times




“I speak German, French and a little Russian,” a club player told me.

“My wife is fluent in Furious. When I make a mistake, she uses words I’ve not heard before.”

My friend was today’s North.

“I had three-card spade support,” he said, “so when my wife jumped to three spades, I figured I’d better raise.” Against four spades, West led a diamond. South ruffed the third diamond, drew trumps, and led the A-K and a third club. West won and led a fourth club. Declarer ruffed but lost a heart for down one.


“My wife was furious,” my friend told me. “She said I should have bid 3NT; it was cold.”

North’s raise to four spades wasn’t a clear error, but his wife’s play was. After South draws trumps and takes the top clubs, she can lead dummy’s jack of diamonds. When East covers, South discards her last club.

East has only hearts left and must lead to dummy’s A-Q. If East’s shape had been 3-3-4-3, he would have to lead a club, ruffed by declarer. Dummy’s fourth club would be a winner.

Daily Question

You hold: ♠ A K Q J 10 6 ♥ 10 7 ♦ 52 ♣A 5 2. The dealer, at your right, opens one diamond. You overcall one spade, and your partner bids 1NT. South in today’s deal then jumped to three spades with this hand. Do you agree with that call?

Answer: I can understand South’s bid but don’t agree. South had semibalanc­ed pattern and seven sure tricks, and North had shown some strength and a diamond stopper. As South, I would have raised to 3NT.

East dealer

Both sides vulnerable

 ??  ??

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