Cape Times

Fresh fighting in new Ethiopia offensive


FIGHTING has resumed in northern Ethiopia’s Afar region after a monthlong lull, humanitari­an and rebel sources said yesterday, as the government appeared to be pressing a new offensive.

There were reports of an armed clash on Tuesday in the town of Awra, in Afar’s Fenti zone, including the use of heavy weapons by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) that killed many civilians, the humanitari­an sources said.

The reports could not be independen­tly verified and officials in Afar could not be reached for comment.

TPLF spokespers­on Getachew Reda denied claims the rebels had used heavy weapons against civilians but confirmed there had been fresh hostilitie­s in Afar.

“Enemy forces are crumbling and in disarray in parts of Afar,” he said, describing fighting along the border between Afar and the Amhara regions.

“We do not target civilians and the alleged artillery attack is yet another

(fictitious) accusation to tarnish our forces’ reputation.”

For nearly a week humanitari­an and rebel sources have been reporting signs of a government offensive that could potentiall­y mark a new phase of the 11-month-old war in northern Ethiopia.

Officials have not explicitly confirmed the offensive is under way, though Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s office said this week the government had “a responsibi­lity to protect its citizens in all parts of the country from any acts of terrorism”.

Fighting broke out last November in Ethiopia’s northernmo­st Tigray region after Abiy sent troops to topple the TPLF, which dominated national politics before he took office in 2018.

The 2019 Nobel Peace laureate said the move came in response to TPLF attacks on army camps.

Government forces swiftly drove the TPLF from Tigray’s cities and towns, but the rebels retook most of the region, including its capital Mekele, by late June.

In July the TPLF pushed into the neighbouri­ng Afar and Amhara regions, a move it said was intended to prevent government forces from regrouping and to break what it describes as a humanitari­an siege of Tigray, where the UN estimates hundreds of thousands face famine.

Last month Abiy’s office said the TPLF had “suffered great losses” and been “routed” from Afar, while the TPLF said it had merely withdrawn troops from the region to focus on other fronts.

 ?? ?? Abiy Ahmed
Abiy Ahmed

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