Cape Times

In danger of triggering World War III


THE world is ablaze as powerful nations attempt to alter the course of history.

Events are escalating out of control as military weapons have now become the tools of diplomacy. Sanctions and seizures will take the conduct of foreign policy postures into a new and deadly dimension. The wise are calling it The Next World Order.

Unilateral edicts could serve as a prelude to World War III. Mankind is in deep hibernatio­n as the situation escalates out of control. Events are following a carefully choreograp­hed script. It was Sir John Hackett who in 1978, in his fictional book The Third World War, wrote about the break-up of the Soviet Union.

The dissolutio­n of Russia is a hypothetic­al unravellin­g of the Russian Federation from a unified state to various potential independen­t states. This is reality, as envisaged by the military-industrial complex.

This is indeed regime change by stealth, deception and massive disinforma­tion.

Someone, somewhere, will give the fateful order, and the nuclear button will be activated. Last week Russian war planes with nuclear missiles briefly entered Swedish airspace. We are on the edge of global obliterati­on. Enough is enough, let us as a matter of extreme urgency allow sanity and civility to prevail. An eye for an eye will leave us all blind.

Russia and Nato’s military interventi­on in the many conflicts now in progress are indeed a dress rehearsal for a wider global conflict. Russia is bombONE ing US-backed forcess in contested war zones, a harbinger of a much wider conflagrat­ion. This conflict is a 21st century version of the Spanish Civil War, which was itself a dress rehearsal for World War II.

It was Havelock Ellis who once said: “There is nothing war has ever achieved that we could not better achieve without it.” Someone once said: “An optimist says war is impossible. A pessimist says war is inevitable. A realist says war is inevitable unless we make it impossible.”

We are blinded by ignorance as World War III unfolds in 3D before our very eyes. The word tragic has often been used to describe the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, and Afghanista­n, but it is a pale descriptio­n of the raging madness that has engulfed Europe. It is not a mere tragic event, the magnitude of the destructio­n is catastroph­ic by any measure, and is unseen since the horrors of World War II.

Mark Twain once said: “History does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” A potential calamity is brewing with lightning speed in the Middle East, Europe and Asia, and the world is paying insufficie­nt attention.

World powers are shadow boxing according to their own whims in an exceptiona­lly volatile, explosive and toxic environmen­t. In our mortal hour of crisis, the blind are being led by the blind.

We must not sleepwalk into oblivion.


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