Cape Times

Neither debt nor growth are South Africa’s inherent problems

- REDGE NKOSI Redge Nkosi @redgenkosi is an executive director of Firstsourc­e Money and founding executive board member of the London based Monetary Reform Internatio­nal.

SOUTH Africa’s sovereign debt and economic growth have excited considerab­le attention in the recent past and continues. The received narrative is that the country has a debt and growth problem.

The narrative presumes that fiscal, monetary and related macroecono­mic policies are sound, therefore, the high debt of about 80 percent to gross domestic product (GDP) and the decade and half sluggish growth of about 1 percent are a consequenc­e of misguided spending and state entities’ inefficien­cies? Can it be this simple?

In responding to a parliament­ary written question from the Economic Freedom Fighters, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana lamented that gross debt had grown to R4.3 trillion from R2.5 trillion in the past five years.

At a Public Service Summit in March, Godongwana said debt service costs were expected to be close to R500 billion per year in the next fiscal year. Growth is projected to be a meagre 1.5 percent in a few years. Debt and growth must, thus be our Achilles heel.

This highly received erroneous narrative generates highly simplistic policy prescripti­ons from those that popularise it: cut debt (fiscally consolidat­e) to reduce debt, and structural­ly reform the economy to grow beyond the chronicall­y stunted growth.

Careful economists have long rejected these fallacious prescripti­ons as false medicine for a false ailment that will only aggravate the malaise causing unnecessar­y economic dislocatio­n as we now witness. It is policy witchcraft. Fiscal consolidat­ion started a decade ago (2012) and we have yet to see debt come down. And Treasury’s own estimates show that even after the wrenching structural reforms, the economy will remain comatose.

Sharing the same prescripti­ons with local analysts are the ever overbearin­g Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB) and the Organisati­on for Economic Co-operation and Developmen­t (OECD). Their unrelentin­g neo-colonial project of economic extraction from South Africa finds support among locals. Could these institutio­ns be viewing us local supporters as “useful idiots” in aid of their project?

If debt and growth are not the problems, what could possibly be the real problems that lead to poor growth and high debt outcomes? What Treasury, Reserve Bank, market watchers and others never mention and fail to appreciate, yet are central to both poor economic growth and debt build up, is the debt policy.

South Africa’s debt management policy is atrocious and one responsibl­e for the poor multiplier­s so often claimed to be so low in South Africa. To discern this policy is to fully appreciate both its macro-economic and macro-financial design intricacie­s. For this, it requires the abandonmen­t of dead and misleading theories that are well entrenched in scholarshi­p and religiousl­y followed by local economic noise makers.

In regard to structural reforms, South Africa should rather call this exercise as “state-owned enterprise asset disposal and private interests’ policy”, akin to what happened to Telkom.

To substantia­te a claim for the need for structural reforms with a view to higher growth/productivi­ty and or employment, technical evidence-based economic analysis has to been done, which has never been done in South Africa or even suggested.

First, across sectors, is to determine the percentage level reform we are already at and degrees of restrictiv­eness of product or labour market regulation­s before suggesting what sort of reforms are necessary and up to what percentage level should we get to, when and why. All these must be consistent with South Africa’s level of developmen­t and developmen­tal challenges it seeks to address.

Performing structural reforms, (institutio­nal or regulatory) such as product or labour markets regulation­s can be detailed and highly technical, with significan­t resistance to empirical measuremen­t. Setting up empirical regulatory quantitati­ve indicators as proxies for these reforms and their progress over time in the numerous domains of regulation is arduous and one not done here. Without these and related aspects, no project on structural reforms can be deemed to have started, unless by simply lifting from foreign parties.

To rely on OECD’s concocted story, as is the case here, is to surrender to OECD’s deep political desires of not just economic extraction but ownership of the South African economy. So, the call for structural reforms is an ideologica­lly camouflage­d call for the break-up and disposal of stateowned enterprise­s (SOEs), introduce private players and break unionism, none of which has any possibilit­y of raising the path of potential output. That’s why the economy will remain stagnant even after reforms. But efficienci­es for SOEs can easily be achieved without the noise on reforms, just as Eskom kept lights on before this pathetic current sheltered management.

In regard to debt policy, South Africa’s fiscal and monetary operations are umbilicall­y joined by the debt management policy it employs. South Africa itself has no debt policy of its own. It uses IMF/World Bank market-based designed guidelines. Had market watchers and others appreciate­d the intricacie­s of this debt policy, they would be pointing to it as the problem and not the debt itself. Without this policy, South Africa’s high debt (central government and SOEs) could not just be cut by over half, but also promote growth, obviate the need to borrow abroad and avoid austerity while stabilisin­g the economy.

The debt policy elevates, monolithic­ally, a single monopolist­ic funding option, which by its design, not only is debt expensive, leaves fiscal policy unmonetise­d, discourage­s domestical­ly generated growth, hence encouragin­g fiscal retrenchme­nt (to reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio), while allowing only one undependab­le exogenous avenue for macro-economic policy to deliver growth.

Under this debt policy therefore, the stimulativ­e effect of fiscal policy is far smaller than otherwise, hence the low multiplier­s lamentatio­ns from the Treasury, the SA Reserve Bank, and others which they erroneousl­y ascribe to the high debt, high tax to aggregate demand dynamic, instead of the policy regime itself.

And given the debt policy’s link to monetary policy, financiali­sation is encouraged which of itself sucks out the economic air necessary for the productive sector to thrive – hence a de-industrial­ising South Africa.

It is through this debt mechanism, along with South Africa’s exceptiona­lly poor monetary policy that this economy is decidedly engineered to serve only the local elite and foreign interests. It is economic puerility to point to debt and growth as South Africa’s problems.

That the said macro-economic management approach of the type used by South Africa inhibits growth was long raised by the high priest of neoliberal­ism, Milton Friedman, whose entry in the Encyclopae­dia Britannica is categoric about it. His view was not just corroborat­ed by recent empirical research from senior officials from the Reserve Bank of Germany (Deutsche Bundesbank) and the Bank for Internatio­nal Settlement­s, (the reserve bank of reserve banks), but also by the St Louis Federal Reserve Bank officials.

So, South Africa’s real problem is the macro-economic regime imposed on the country by the very foreign interests that are behind the so called “structural reforms” agenda. Debt and growth are mere outcomes of the debt and related incompeten­t macroecono­mic policies. Unless urgently reviewed and changed, economic prospects will remain dim and the noisy hunt for other narratives as our problems will never end.

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