Cape Times




1 Signal fire (6)

4 Iraqi port (5)

7 Firmly establishe­d (4-6) 8 Fault or weakness (4) 9 The aforementi­oned (5) 11 Gets away from (7) 13 Small onion-like bulb (7) 15 Wading bird (5) 17 Complete extent (4) 18 Extremely unpleasant or horrifying (10)

20 Large cooking stove (5) 21 Look angrily (6)


1 Bewilder (6)

2 Ship’s company (4) 3 Diapers (7)

4 Staff of life (5)

5 Harden (3)

6 Of hearing or sound (5) 7 Rhythmic mover (6) 10 Spring bulbs (6)

12 Lively party, informally (7) 14 Gentle and kind (6) 15 Anaestheti­c (5)

16 Topic (5)

17 Japanese wrestling (4) 19 Managed (3)

 ?? ??

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