Cape Times

‘We will protect marginalis­ed fisher folk’


FOLLOWING a number of unsubstant­iated allegation­s made about The Green Connection and its work with small-scale fishers along South Africa’s coast, the eco-justice organisati­on wants to set the record straight, especially since environmen­tal defenders are under increasing attack as a result of their efforts to protect people and nature from exploitati­on.

The Green Connection is driven to empower coastal communitie­s to be champions for their own local environmen­t by ensuring that they know and exercise their environmen­tal rights, as enshrined in the Constituti­on and the National Environmen­tal Management Act (NEMA).

Much of our work centres around promoting transparen­cy and meaningful (and procedural­ly fair) public consultati­on on proposed offshore oil and gas projects. People need access to informatio­n to meaningful­ly participat­e in decision-making processes and assert their rights.

We are a diverse group of environmen­tal and social justice activists – from different cultures and faiths, with most hailing from previously disadvanta­ged and marginalis­ed groups – who believe in our work, which seeks to safeguard South Africa’s democracy, its people, and its natural resources.

We are particular­ly passionate about promoting the rights of already-marginalis­ed communitie­s in ways that give them agency over their own future.

This means that The Green Connection does not claim to represent or speak on behalf of any fishers or community members.

Instead, we provide communitie­s with informatio­n and educate them about the law and their environmen­tal rights so that they can decide and speak for themselves.

The reality is South Africa’s oceans – along with small-scale fishers and their livelihood­s – are under serious threat. And the climate crisis is getting worse. Driven by national ‘developmen­t’ agendas and internatio­nal corporatio­ns, and in the absence of an overall energy vision that all South Africans have agreed to, some government energy decisions are, in our view, focused on projects that only benefit a few, at the expense of the thousands of families living along our coast (who depend on the ocean).

In a country plagued by government corruption, transparen­cy is crucial with respect to environmen­tal issues and energy decisions.

The Green Connection engages with local communitie­s who are interested in knowing about the threats to their livelihood­s and those interested in defending the oceans.

We also draw on other organisati­ons’ expertise and submit specialist comments to address issues of environmen­tal injustice.

This lack of meaningful consultati­on with small-scale fishing communitie­s who will be affected, we believe, is the reason that so many of our fisher partners have decided to take on this fight for themselves.

In fact, small-scale fishers have organised many of their own demonstrat­ions, often because they had not been involved in critical decision-making processes that could negatively affect their livelihood­s.

And let it be clear that people come out to oppose offshore oil and gas projects or Karpowersh­ips because, as we understand it, they want to protect the bay they fish in (yes, small-scale fishers do sustain their livelihood­s from Saldanha Bay). These fishers are not lured by a promise of food parcels. They are driven to protest or picket by the need to protect and defend their livelihood­s.

And time and time again, our efforts have been vindicated.

For example, in the case of Karpowersh­ips, the flawed processes and lack of informatio­n (among other things) led to the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environmen­t (DFFE) refusing it environmen­tal authorisat­ion.

And Shell and Searcher Geodata’s right to conduct seismic surveys in our oceans were also set aside due to (among other things) the lack of meaningful public participat­ion with affected communitie­s.

According to the NEMA, the environmen­t is supposed to be held in public trust (by the government) for the people and should be protected as the citizens’ common heritage, while public participat­ion in environmen­tal governance must be promoted.

These resources are to be used in ways that benefit and serve the wider public interest.

According to the NEMA environmen­tal management principles, all people “must have the opportunit­y to develop the understand­ing, skills, and capacity necessary for achieving equitable and effective participat­ion, and participat­ion by vulnerable and disadvanta­ged persons must be ensured.”

The Act calls for vigorous and inclusive public participat­ion in decisions that may affect the environmen­t.

Yet, soon after The Green Connection’s Community Outreach Coordinato­r started engaging coastal communitie­s to better understand some of the key issues they face, it became clear that many small-scale fisher communitie­s had not been properly consulted on proposed offshore oil and gas projects – which could infringe on traditiona­l fishing grounds and have negative marine ecosystem impacts (from seismic surveys or in the event of a major oil spill).

According to many small-scale fishers, these restrictio­ns have turned them into criminals because they are not allowed to go to those places where their ancestors would traditiona­lly fish.

While sections of the South African government simply see the ocean as a commodity to be exploited for profit, small-scale fishers see the ocean as a mother that provides for them.

When it comes to decisions about the ocean, millions of South Africans could potentiall­y be affected, and, as such, these far-reaching decisions with its potentiall­y long-lasting impacts should not be rushed.

In September 2021, at the Oceans Tribunal, facilitate­d by The Green Connection and partners, over 200 smallscale fishers from around the country agreed that South Africa’s “blue economy” is yet another extractive destructio­n of nature, which appears to ignore both local fishing knowledge and the establishe­d rights of coastal communitie­s.

Leaning on internatio­nal insights – from Mozambique, Nigeria, and India – it became clear to local fishers that, instead of benefiting artisanal fisher folks who attempt to make a living from the gifts of nature, extractive industries (such as oil companies) are often responsibl­e for several human rights abuses.

Furthermor­e, evidence shows that the oil and gas industry is not guaranteed to result in the economic developmen­t promised by government and industry. On the contrary, many countries have failed to see any significan­t economic contributi­ons from oil and gas.

And, on top of this, according to a report by the Internatio­nal Energy Agency (IEA), “beyond projects already committed as of 2021, there are no new oil and gas fields approved for developmen­t in our pathway” to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

As a civil society-driven organisati­on, we are more than willing to engage with the public on the ground and encourage people to get in touch for more informatio­n on our campaigns.

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