Cape Times



The following is an extract of an editorial by Huxley St. John Brooks that appeared in the December 1937 issue of his South African Chess Magazine…

The knowledge of chess and a love for, or at least an interest in the game, is far more widespread than many a newspaper editor imagines. For one member of a chess club there at least ten who play regularly in their own homes. For one home player there are at least three who take an interest in the game-work out problems, puzzle over endgames, like to read about masters, about curious incidents, about their friends. Here in Durban, where we have one of the leading South African clubs, the writer knows of many who-though they hardly know the movesyet regularly scan the chess news which appears in the local papers. Only a day ago I received a letter from Johannesbu­rg which said: ‘Our household is quite agog on the Euwe-Alekhine match! My wife, although no chess player, is a great admirer of Dr Euwe as am I. We are both holding thumbs!’

But if we want chess news we must be vocal. When the Euwe-Alekhine match started we in South Africa only got the results of the first two games. The rest was silence! I then got in touch with the editor of a leading Natal daily. Result - the paper in question at once ‘got after’ old Mr Reuter, and from the next day forward the whole of chess-playing South Africa had the latest results of the World Championsh­ip match in their daily papers within 24 hours of each game!


In my opinion a model chess player is an Indian sage bending over the board in majestic silence, but definitely not a person who restlessly shifts the pieces about. 5-minute games are not creative, they are pure sport. Chess has already lost its wise image and moved rapidly towards a sport. Winning at all cost now matters most. (Smyslov)

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