Cape Times

Nothing wrong with CR, Mashatile using SAAF jet – ANC


THE ANC and Presidency have hit back at criticism levelled against President Cyril Ramaphosa and Deputy President Paul Mashatile for using the SA Air Force’s VIP Falcon F50 aircraft with guests to attend a series of political meetings before the ANC’s 112th birthday celebratio­ns in Mbombela, Mpumalanga earlier this month.

DA MP Kobus Marais said the ambiguity between the Ministeria­l Handbook and the Presidenti­al Handbook was being exploited by Ramaphosa and Mashatile who regularly commandeer SAAF aircraft to attend ANC party political events.

“This is not prohibited in the Presidenti­al Handbook but the Ministeria­l Handbook makes it clear that you cannot use SAAF aircraft to attend a political event unless there is official business immediatel­y before or after the event.

“This is open to abuse, it is not illegal but is unethical, immoral and indefensib­le,” said Marais.

He said the flight history of the SAAF’s VIP Falcon F50 aircraft by Ramaphosa, Mashatile and their guests showed them attending several political meetings in Mpumalanga before the ANC’s main event at Mbombela stadium.

However, ANC head of the Presidency, Sibongile Besani, has described the DA’s assertions as spurious, saying that Ramaphosa does not cease to be the president of the country when he attends party events.

Besani told a national broadcaste­r that Ramaphosa and Mashatile did not regularly commandeer SAAF aircraft to attend ANC party political events.

“The president of the country does not cease to be the president of the country. It is not like 8 o’clock to 4 o’clock and then afterwards he can use that.

“The Presidenti­al Handbook allows. It says at all times, the transporta­tion of these two officials has got to be taken care of by various people – whether it is SAPS or the SA Air Force at all times.

“So there is no prescripti­on that he must not do this on that one and so on. Wherever the president is, his transporta­tion is in the custodians­hip of the State. This is an attempt to delegitimi­se a governing party. We will not accept that argument,” said Besani.

ANC spokespers­on Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri also dismissed the complaint and said that the party would “not be distracted” as it prepares for the upcoming elections.

“Our main focus is to win the elections with an outright majority. With its 112 years of experience, the ANC knows how to stay focused,” Bhengu-Motsiri said.

Presidenti­al spokespers­on Vincent Magwenya said a “lot of lies have been peddled about the president’s travel”.

“The president and the deputy president needed to travel. The issue is not the reason for their travel. There’s also nothing illegal in them travelling for ANC meetings or celebratio­ns.

“The ANC, through a constituti­onal democratic process, is the governing party of this country. So let’s not de-legitimise the president and the deputy president attending to their party obligation­s regardless of how some choose to characteri­se them,” Magwenya said.

When it comes to the Presidenti­al Handbook, Magwenya said it did not specify how the president was supposed to travel to non-official events. “The Presidenti­al Handbook does not prescribe the nature of their travel that must be supported by the Air Force, because they never stop being President and Deputy President, regardless of where they are.”

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