Cape Times

A-G makes damning findings against GPW


AUDITOR-General Tsakani Maluleke has found the finances of the Government Printing Works (GPW) in such a mess that she could not express an opinion on its financial statement for the 2022-23 financial year.

In her audit report, Maluleke put the blame squarely on the GPW management for failing to put control systems in place and prepare accurate and complete financial reports supported by reliable informatio­n.

“I have not been able to obtain sufficient appropriat­e audit evidence to provide a basis for the audit opinion,” she said.

The Auditor-General said GPW did not recognise all items of property, plant and equipment in accordance with the Standard of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice.

“This was due to inadequate systems in place to record assets and some assets that were not recorded in the accounting records of the government component. Consequent­ly, property plant and equipment is understate­d by R100.59 million.”

Maluleke said she was unable to obtain sufficient appropriat­e audit evidence on trade and other receivable­s from exchange transactio­ns due to the poor status of the accounting records.

“I could not confirm these debtors by alternativ­e means. Consequent­ly, I was unable to determine whether any further adjustment­s were necessary to trade and other receivable­s from exchange transactio­ns stated at R279.16 million (2022: R261.32 million) in disclosure note 8.”

Maluleke said she was also unable to obtain sufficient appropriat­e audit evidence to substantia­te some of the recorded revenue transactio­ns related to advertisin­g sales, as the government component did not have adequate systems to maintain records for revenue.

“I was unable to confirm revenue by alternativ­e means. Consequent­ly, I was unable to determine whether any adjustment­s were necessary to the correspond­ing figure of advertisin­g sales stated at R147.30 million in disclosure note 12 to the financial statements,” she said.

“During the 2022 financial year, I was unable to obtain sufficient appropriat­e audit evidence for cost of sales due to the poor status of accounting records. I was unable to determine whether any adjustment­s were necessary to the correspond­ing figure of cost of sales stated at R680.11 million.”

According to Maluleke, the financial statements submitted for auditing were not prepared in accordance with the prescribed financial reporting framework and were not supported by full and proper records as required by the Public Finance Management Act.

GPW CEO Alinah Fosi said GPW’s catastroph­ic hardware crash and systems failure that led to loss of critical data in February 2021 and March 2022 left a “lasting impact on their ability to produce credible annual financial statements”.

Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi said: “Plans developed in the year under review will continue to be implemente­d to address this critical area of work.”

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