Cape Times

Colombia Tinder user drugged


ALL ISRAELI expat Omer Bloch knows for sure about his Tinder date in the Colombian city of Medellin is that she was “beautiful” – and used a powerful drug to knock him out and rob him.

A recent spate of what the US Embassy termed “suspicious” deaths of eight US men in Medellin has cast a spotlight on the dangers foreigners face using dating apps in the city.

“I matched with a girl on Tinder. Just another girl, I thought. Just another date,” recalls the 28-year-old businessma­n of his 2021 encounter.

After their dinner, he remembers they returned to his house for a beer, which tasted more “bittery” than usual, and then he remembers going in “for the kiss”. He woke up the next day at noon, woozy and struggling to walk. “She took my iPad, my phone, my wallet, my credit cards, my ID. Everything but my laptop,” he said. Still, he was one of the lucky ones. The US Embassy said it was aware of the deaths of eight citizens in the city between November 1 and December 31 last year, several of which involved the use of dating apps. “Numerous US citizens in Colombia have been drugged, robbed, and even killed by their Colombian dates,” read a travel advisory, warning of a drug being used to incapacita­te victims.

In one case, Asian-American comedian and activist Tou Ger Xiong, 50, was kidnapped after going to meet a woman he matched with online in December, the prosecutor’s office said.

His kidnappers phoned a friend of his in the US demanding $2 000 (about R38 000). The victim was later found dead from “wounds caused by a blunt object”.

“That could have easily happened to me,” said Bloch, who still lives in Medellin.

Medical tests showed Bloch had been given scopolamin­e, or Devil’s Breath, an odourless powder victims say puts you into a zombie-like state, and which can prove fatal. Scopolamin­e is extracted from the nightshade plant Brugmansia.

“The plant is widely distribute­d throughout the country. In urban areas it’s common to find it in gardens because it has a very beautiful flower,” said Diana Pava, a toxicologi­st with a research group into psychoacti­ve substances at the National University.

Criminals extract the drug from the black seeds of a fruit found on the plant and slip it into their victim’s drinks. Ingesting it, “people can feel sleepy. Others get amnesia ... there is also tachycardi­a, hypertensi­on and seizures,” said Pava, adding that in high doses, and combined with alcohol,

it can be lethal. In 2022, prosecutor­s recorded the death of a foreigner in Medellin due to “overdose of a toxic substance”, without naming the drug.

Birthplace of notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar, Medellin overcame the drug violence of the ’90s to become a coveted Latin American destinatio­n for tourists and expats.

Bloch describes himself as a digital nomad, and, like many foreigners, resides in the El Poblado neighbourh­ood, where luxurious residentia­l towers rise against a mountainou­s backdrop. Tourism has boomed in the Andean city, with foreign visitor numbers mushroomin­g from 212 000 in 2015 to 1.4 million in 2022.

But violent deaths “increase as the number of visitors increases,” said William Vivas, a human rights defender with the mayor’s office. It recorded the deaths of 32 foreigners in 2023, 7% more than the previous year. In 2022, the prosecutor’s office dealt with 82 cases of foreigners being robbed with the use of a “toxic substance.”

The tourism boom has brought with it a rise in prostituti­on, which is legal in Colombia.

 ?? | AFP ?? ISRAELI businessma­n Omer Bloch, a victim of scopolamin­e, speaks during an interview in Medellin, Colombia.
| AFP ISRAELI businessma­n Omer Bloch, a victim of scopolamin­e, speaks during an interview in Medellin, Colombia.

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