Cape Times

Women in mining set to benefit from DMRE’s R25m programme and new gender equality strategy


DEPUTY minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Dr Nobuhle Nkabane says a R25 million project for small-scale mining and the artisanal workforce will mostly benefit women.

According to Nkabane, the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) was also developing a Women Empowermen­t and Gender Equality Strategy for the mining industry with an intention to provide interventi­ons which included equal opportunit­ies, mainstream­ing of gender equality, and barrier-free workplaces for a transforme­d mining industry.

She was speaking at the Mining Indaba two days after the World Bank launched a report which found that gender discrimina­tion, disregard for health, safety and social protection limited the right and economic opportunit­ies for small-scale and artisanal women miners.

The report advocates for gender-responsive legislatio­n to safeguard women’s rights in mining and build a more sustainabl­e sector.

“The lack of gender-sensitive language in national laws is hindering gender equality in the artisanal mining sector. Gender assessment of 21 legal frameworks across Asia, South America, and Africa, 14 mining codes (67%) and 17 of laws (80%) concerning property rights are gender-blind or gender-neutral, leaving women behind in terms of access and control over resources, which presents a significan­t barrier to addressing gender disparitie­s in the sector,” the report read.

About 1 900 participan­ts contribute­d to the report and shared insights about the barriers women face in fully participat­ing in activities and opportunit­ies toward gender equality.

“Women in small-scale mining and artisanal mining face formidable challenges that require urgent attention to ensure they are safe and can thrive in the mine and at home,” said World Bank global director for energy and extractive­s, Demetrios Papathanas­iou.

Deputy minister Nkabane said being cognisant of the more than 72 000 women participat­ing in South Africa’s mining industry, their primary task was to ensure that women representa­tion translates into meaningful and positive change in the lives of all women.

“Following the launch of the Women Diggers programme aimed at empowering women with knowledge and skills to ensure that they actively participat­e in the extraction and exploitati­on of our natural resources, the DMRE through Mintek and in collaborat­ion with the Mining Qualificat­ions Authority has trained no less than 223 women, of which eight have since applied for smallscale mining permits.

“In line with the available budget for the artisanal and small-scale miners programme, we intend to offer financial support to at least 13 artisanal and small-scale miners. Women will be prioritise­d,” she said.

According to Nkabane, the Women Empowermen­t and Gender Equality Strategy for the mining industry will further serve as a vehicle to effect gender empowermen­t and equality programmes through women’s economic empowermen­t programmes.

“This is to ensure that the developmen­t of women in the mining industry is achieved. We will soon release the strategy for public comments with the hope that you will enrich it with your valuable and informed inputs.

“In order to facilitate entry and meaningful participat­ion of historical­ly disadvanta­ged persons, in particular women, in the extraction of marginal deposits, the DMRE will soon embark on consultati­ons with prospectiv­e artisanal and small-scale miners in major mining provinces,” she said.

 ?? | SIPHIWE SIBEKO REUTERS ?? BAFANA Bafana fell short in their efforts to make it to the finals of the African Cup of Nations when they lost 4-2 in penalties against Nigeria last night.
| SIPHIWE SIBEKO REUTERS BAFANA Bafana fell short in their efforts to make it to the finals of the African Cup of Nations when they lost 4-2 in penalties against Nigeria last night.

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