Cape Times

UN chief says world in ‘age of chaos’ with divided Security Council


million people southward.

“It is time for an immediate humanitari­an ceasefire and the unconditio­nal release of all hostages,” Guterres said during a speech to the General Assembly presenting his 2024 priorities.

In the speech, he called for changes to the Security Council and internatio­nal financial system, among other reforms, touting his “Summit of the Future” in September

in New York as a critical venue to address dysfunctio­n “deeper and more dangerous” than ever.

“The Security Council – the primary platform for questions of global peace – is deadlocked by geopolitic­al fissures,” said Guterres, a former Portuguese prime minister. “This is not the first time the council has been divided – but it is the worst. Today’s dysfunctio­n is deeper and more dangerous.”

He said that unlike during the Cold War, when “well-establishe­d mechanisms helped manage superpower relations”, those mechanisms are missing “in today’s multipolar world”.

“Our world is entering in an age of chaos ... a dangerous and unpredicta­ble free-for-all with total impunity,” he warned.

His remarks come amid devastatin­g conflicts in Ukraine, Sudan, the Middle East and elsewhere, with millions of people displaced by the fighting and in need of assistance.

“As conflicts proliferat­e, global humanitari­an needs are at an all-time high, but funding is not keeping pace.”

He said: “Humanity has waged a war we can only lose: our war with nature. It is a crazy fight to pick.”

Guterres encouraged world leaders to seize the opportunit­y of the “Summit of the Future”, to “shape multilater­alism for years to come”. |

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