Cape Times

With mounting socio-economic challenges, the youth want Sona to outline an ‘actionable plan’


SOCIO-economic challenges are in the spotlight as President Cyril Ramaphosa tonight delivers this year’s State of the Nation Address (Sona), with participan­ts in the youth sector calling for the president to outline an “actionable plan”.

Nkosinathi Mahlangu, Youth Employment Portfolio head at Momentum Metropolit­an, said young people were hoping for solutions to the many socio-economic challenges they were faced with as there had been many promises made in the previous address, which were not kept.

“The Sona comes at a time when the youth of South Africa is still battling with high unemployme­nt and this is parallel to challenges on access to tertiary education for the matric class of 2023,” he said.

Ravi Naidoo, the CEO of the Youth Employment Service (YES), said the prevailing economic environmen­t in 2024, with more than 4.5 million unemployed youth, was depressing for the young people and dangerous for society.

“We know this is the result of bad education and a low growth economy, in turn caused by poorly capacitate­d government department­s and failing economic infrastruc­ture (electricit­y, ports, rail, roads, water, etc),” Naidoo said.

Mahlangu concurred with Naidoo, saying the starting point would be to report back on previously made promises on getting the youth skilled and economical­ly active.

“Sona needs to outline an actionable plan with realistic timelines on how youth unemployme­nt can be addressed. Social and relief grants are not sustainabl­e and increasing them doesn’t seem possible as the economy doesn’t have enough taxpayers to service that line item. We don’t want to create a grant-dependent society,” he said.

Mahlangu encouraged the youth of South Africa to table their Sona expectatio­ns and identify key areas that were lacking or covered post the address.

He said this would also require the youth to indicate which avenues and opportunit­ies had been explored and exhausted, by sharing their solution-focused input towards the government and the private sector.

“Public-private partnershi­ps are the catalysts we need to address the challenges faced by our youth,” Mahlangu said.

YES’s Naidoo said education had long been the weakest link in the South African developmen­t path. He said, however, there were opportunit­ies to substantia­lly improve the quality of basic school education outcomes, through adopting new technologi­es to assist teachers to teach.

“There are approximat­ely 500 000 teachers in public schools and the government has been unable to retrain teachers in sufficient numbers to ensure South Africa learners, especially in the more disadvanta­ged schools, reach an internatio­nally acceptable competitiv­e level.”

Naidoo said large-scale public work programmes should be mobilised to get the youth to take up short employment opportunit­ies in infrastruc­ture maintenanc­e and community engagement.

 ?? ?? RAVI NAIDOO, the CEO of the Youth Employment Service (YES). | SUPPLIED
RAVI NAIDOO, the CEO of the Youth Employment Service (YES). | SUPPLIED

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