Cape Times


State gives glimpse of evidence in attempts to have Mapisa-Nqakula arrested


NATIONAL Assembly Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula will not be arrested for the time being, as the National Prosecutin­g Authority (NPA) has undertaken to withhold her arrest until the Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, has ruled on an applicatio­n to halt her arrest.

She turned to court yesterday in an urgent bid to avoid being arrested on corruption charges. Judge Sulet Potterill said she would deliver her judgment on April 2.

While Mapisa-Nqakula said she wanted her day in court to prove her innocence, this should not be done by way of her arrest.

Her advocate, Reg Willis SC, told Judge Potterill that Mapisa-Nqakula was willing to hand herself over to the Lyttelton police station on April 3, to be processed and taken to court.

This was the first date that her lawyer was available and this was communicat­ed to the NPA. Willis said up to this day the State would not give an undertakin­g that it would not arrest her beforehand. “What is the urgency (in arresting her beforehand?),” Willis asked.

He said as things stood, she could be arrested at any time. This, while the State knew her attorney was busy until April 3.

While the judge reserved her judgment, Willis said they sought guarantees that she would not be arrested in the interim. He also argued that if this was how the State treated one of the most influentia­l people in the country, being the Speaker, he shuddered to know how the NPA would treat “one of us”.

Advocate Makhosi Gwala, for the State, argued that Mapisa-Nqakula could not dictate when she would present herself to the police station. If this was allowed in her case, millions of South Africans facing prosecutio­n would expect the same. He questioned why she should be treated differentl­y. “The law knows no position… Why should the law grind differentl­y in her case?”

Mapisa-Nqakula, who was not in court yesterday, meanwhile, also wants to be given full disclosure of all informatio­n relating to her case, including the full docket in order to be able to prepare her defence against what she regards as baseless allegation­s against her.

Mapisa-Nqakula, who was minister of defence from 2012 to 2021, is accused of receiving millions of rand in cash as bribes from a military contractor when she was defence minister. She has vehemently denied any wrongdoing.

“The State’s case against me is non-existent and contrived. They want to paint me as guilty,” she said.

Her lawyer, Stephen May, meanwhile, accused the State of disclosing informatio­n to the media, while withholdin­g informatio­n from Mapisa-Nqakula. “There has been a one-sided flood of contradict­ory informatio­n leaked to the media by the NPA, aimed to heighten the urban legend that my client is a flight risk and to justify an arrest.”

May said in an answering affidavit that there is no ground for an arrest and added the NPA even said that if she was to be arrested, they would not oppose her bail.

“There are less invasive steps that may be taken to secure my client’s attendance at court – if there is a case for enrolment of the matter against my client at all.”

May added that Mapisa-Nqakula had consistent­ly indicated that she embraced the legal process and the rule of law and was anxious to come to court and restore her reputation and prove the allegation­s against her were false. But this should not be done by way of an arrest, he said.

Bheki Manyathi, deputy director of public prosecutio­ns in the Investigat­ing Directorat­e, meanwhile, responded that Mapisa-Nqakula knew since March 9 that a decision had been taken to prosecute her for corruption.

He denied that her applicatio­n was urgent, as she had not been charged yet and her criminal matter had not been enrolled. He said this urgent applicatio­n launched by her came as a surprise to him, because it was instituted at a time when he was still engaging her through her legal representa­tive to hand her over at a police station for processing

in preparatio­n for the enrolment of the matter.

He accused Mapisa-Nqakula and her lawyer of not acting in good faith.

Manyathi said the NPA never threatened to arrest her. Instead, there has been a courtesy extended to her to present herself to the lawenforce­ment agents to charge her and process her appearance in court.

He made it clear that the investigat­ion in her matter is complete and that on March 10, a decision to prosecute her was made. The fact that a search-and-seizure was done at her home last week does not mean that the investigat­ion is incomplete, he said.

Manyathi said Mapisa-Nqakula does not have a right not to be arrested, nor has she got the right at this stage to receive a full disclosure of the case docket.

“The rights to dignity (including her good name, reputation) are not threatened,” he said, stating that the NPA “would like to make the process as seamless as possible”.

Manyathi said they certainly have a good case against Mapisa-Nqakula and that there is evidence under oath that gratificat­ions (bribes) were asked for by her and given to her in cash and a wig.

“Besides the whistle-blower’s affidavit, there is ample independen­t evidence that corroborat­es the witness who allegedly gave the gratificat­ions to the applicant.” The wig was recovered during the search at her residence.

Manyathi said according to their evidence, she was given a total of R2 550 000 in cash, which will form part of the corruption charges to be levelled against her.

While he did not want to share the charge sheet at this stage, Manyathi gave the court a glimpse into 12 corruption charges which he said will form part of the charge sheet.

The total amount stated on the charge sheet reflects corruption worth R4.55 million. Manyathi explained that the R2m referred to in one of the counts “was asked for by the applicant but was not paid by the witness”.

According to this charge sheet, the first alleged incident of corruption occurred in December 2016 and the last was in July 2019.

Manyathi said Mapisa-Nqakula definitely had a case to answer to.

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