Cape Times

EFF and MK Party set to be big players


A RECENT survey conducted in South Africa’s three major metros has indicated that the EFF and Jacob Zuma-endorsed uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MKP) will be big players in the upcoming May 29 elections.

The survey, conducted by African Innovation Research South Africa (AIRSA) in Durban, Johannesbu­rg and Cape Town found that both the ruling ANC and official opposition the DA were facing a considerab­le threat from the EFF and MKP, particular­ly among younger voters and those in KwaZulu-Natal.

A total of 1 030 participan­ts were surveyed, representi­ng a cross-section of the South African population in these metros.

The survey was conducted faceto-face and only in the above three metros and might not be an indication of the overall national voting sentiment.

Independen­t Media and IOL commission­ed AIRSA to conduct a countrywid­e survey in each province.

The survey’s findings revealed that Julius Malema’s EFF emerged as the leading choice among the participan­ts, with approximat­ely 20% of the participan­ts indicating they would vote EFF. This was closely followed by the ANC with about 18.4% of respondent­s indicating they would be voting for the ruling party, while 17% of participan­ts indicated they would vote MKP.

The DA polled at roughly 13.3% of participan­ts.

The survey also delved deeper into the reasons behind these preference­s, linking them to various socio-economic factors.

For instance, supporters of the EFF and MKP were predominan­tly younger and from lower-income brackets.

This reflected the parties’ appeal among those who are disillusio­ned with the status quo and seeking radical economic changes.

According to Ongama Mtimka, a lecturer and political analyst at the department of history and political studies at Nelson Mandela University, the EFF was led by young people and was a very active party.

This led the youth to gravitate towards it.

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