Condé Nast House & Garden

Spicy Grilled Chicken with Crunchy Fennel Salad


Serves 4

680g skinless, boneless

chicken thighs kosher salt

2 garlic cloves

3 oil-packed anchovy

fillets (optional)

1 red chilli, seeds removed, coarsely chopped 2T tomato paste

2t finely chopped origanum 5T extra-virgin olive oil, divided, plus more for grilling

2 lemons, halved

2 medium fennel bulbs, tough outer layers removed, halved lengthwise, thinly sliced crosswise

1 small white onion, very

thinly sliced into rounds 2T unseasoned rice vinegar 1T toasted white and/or black sesame seeds

1. Pat chicken dry and season with salt. Set aside on a plate.

2. Smash garlic under the flat side of a chef’s knife on your cutting board. Add anchovies, if using, chilli, and a couple of pinches of salt and continue smashing with the side of your knife until a paste forms. (You can also do this with a mortar and pestle.) Transfer paste to a large bowl and stir in tomato paste, origanum and 3T oil. Add chicken and toss to coat. Let sit at room temperatur­e 1 hour. 3. Meanwhile, prepare a grill for medium heat. Clean and oil grate. Grill chicken, turning once, until lightly charred and cooked through, about 4 minutes per side.

4. While the chicken is cooking, grill lemons, cut side down, until lightly charred and starting to caramelize, about 4 minutes. Transfer to a platter.

5. Transfer chicken to platter with lemons and let rest 5 minutes. 6. While the chicken is resting, toss fennel, onion, and vinegar in a medium bowl; drizzle with remaining 2T oil and season with a big pinch of salt and toss once more.

7. Mound fennel salad next to chicken and sprinkle sesame seeds over both. Squeeze grilled lemons over chicken and fennel salad.

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