Daily Dispatch

BCM’S interdict headache


BUFFALO City Metro has been interdicte­d from proceeding with a crucial contract for the compiling and maintenanc­e of its asset registers and municipal valuation rolls.

The company which lost out on the tender, eValuation­s Enhanced Property Appraisals, successful­ly resorted to the East London circuit local division of the High Court to interdict BCM and the successful contractor Primeland Properties from implementi­ng any agreement in respect of the contract.

The interdict will remain in place until the finalisati­on of a review applicatio­n in terms of which eValuation­s is asking the court to set aside BCM’s decision to award the contract to Primeland Properties.

The valuation was to take place in July this year and the date of implementa­tion of the certified valuation roll was to take effect in July next year.

With a review of the contract on the cards, it is unlikely the BCM will meet these targets.

Last year the BCM asked registered property valuers to tender for a contract for the compilatio­n and maintenanc­e of the general municipal valuation roll, asset register of municipal properties, supplement­ary valuation rolls, as well as the supply of other valuation related services. The Auditor General annually complains of the BCM’s poor performanc­e in these areas.

Primeland Properties was awarded the tender when its bid came in R3-million less than eValuation’s bid.

But Judge Elna Revelas says the award was made despite severe scepticism on the part of certain BCM employees about Primeland Properties’ competence and suitabilit­y for the highly specialise­d task at hand.

Revelas said the work envisaged in the contract was vital.

She said evidence suggested that to meet the tender criteria, Primeland Properties had relied in its bid on the extensive experience of an individual who would assist it with the work but who was not part of the tender process. She said there was merit in the propositio­n that it was not up to the job.

“The scathing criticism of (Primeland Properties’) suitabilit­y and qualificat­ions, along with certain other factors, may very well persuade a reviewing court to set aside the tender,” Revelas said.

Head of the one-man company, Edward Baleni has, according to court papers, already relocated from Johannesbu­rg, opened offices in East London and entered into a two-year contract with service providers to do the job. But Revelas said the prejudice he might suffer as a result of the interdict could be laid at the door of the BCM, which consistent­ly refused to provide eValuation­s with documentat­ion after the tender was awarded.

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