Daily Dispatch

Blink and you might miss our UFO


descriptio­ns of the sighting came from Leon Putter who wrote: “On the night of December 29 after locking my garage and observing the night sky which I usually do, I spotted a red light flying at a tremendous speed over the Sunnyridge area where I live in the direction of Port Elizabeth, as reported.

“I thought it was peculiar as an airplane normally has a white light or beam with a flashing red light and [is] not just a red glow in the sky. I very much doubt it was a Chinese Lantern flying at such an altitude and speed. The possibilit­y of it being a UFO did cross my mind but did not think much of it until I read the article.”

Leon went on to say he believed other beings existed out there in the universe. “Surely Earth cannot be the only planet with life!”

Those were the serious responses. There was the lighter one from “Mike” who wrote in to say he wasn’t sure if he’d actually seen the mysterious red light because he was usually “stoned on Saturdays”.

Interestin­gly, UFO investigat­ors and organisati­ons have collected hundreds of thousands of eyewitness accounts over the years.

Some eyewitness­es of UFOs are far from being drunks or smoked up “Mikes”. They include airline pilots, military men and even US president Jimmy Carter.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it Mike! –andrews@dispatch.co.za

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